Chapter 5

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In case you forgot how he looks like. Daniel ^^^

Daniel POV

I closely observe the warriors train under the command of my Lead Warrior. He is considered the strongest fighter and will take command when my Beta and I are not around. They are sparring with each other after doing multiple push-ups and set-ups. A little farther on the right, there was my Lead Hunter in front of a group running in their wolf form. Their regimen is a bit different since they need to be faster than deers, elks and rabbits. So, they usually run a lot more while being stealthy and precise.

But since I don't want them to be only good in one area, I often organize tournaments between the warriors and hunters. So they can learn from each other. The winner gets one of their wishes granted. Plus, it is a great way for the younger ones to prove themselves and if they do well enough they can earn a higher rank.

My eyes land on my sister, Claudia, as she is sparring with Josh. Because of the Alpha blood flowing in her veins, she is naturally stronger and faster than the others. But unlike me, she didn't receive any Alpha training. Therefore, she is still inexperienced. That is why I will not give her any privilege and treat her like the other recruits. She needs time to learn and thankfully she knows that especially after the war with the enforcers. Before she kept underestimating everyone and because of that, she was gravely injured and nearly died.

After taking a deep breath of fresh air, I nod in satisfaction. Everyone is either doing their assigned chores or training. As for the children, they are learning how to read, write and our history before going out to play games that will help them build stamina, agility and strength.

Two hours later, the adults finished their training as the children start to take their place screaming. As most of them go back to their houses to take a shower, Claudia with her phone in her hand runs toward me.

"What is it?" I ask with one of my hands resting on my hip. There are actually only a few things that can make her beam like that and I'm preparing for the worse.

"You'll never believe it!" she exclaims excitedly. "Micah gave birth!"

I cross my arms as I can feel the corner of my eyes twitch. "I don't have time for your jokes right now," I turn around, but she quickly grabs my arm.

"Wait! I'm sorry. Their surrogate gave birth a few hours ago and they are inviting us to the baby shower!" her eyes sparkle with joy as I already know what she is going to ask next. "Can we go? Can we?"

I knew it. She will not let me go until I agree to it. But I don't want to go to a city infested with vampires. We do have an alliance agreeing to help each other when in need, but that doesn't include a social party. No matter what, werewolves and vampires hate each other.

"Please, brother, I want to go see the baby. You know how cute they are with their big cheeks and innocent eyes."

"Are you sure it's not just a pretext to go shopping with a certain someone?"

She avoids my glare while playing with her phone in her hand. "Don't change the subject," she pouts.

"Let me think about it," I answer after staring at my sister for a while.

"Don't forget about it, and we have to give them an answer before tomorrow night since the party is in four days."

I nod as she walks away to her room on the top floor. I walk up the stairs too and head toward my office. I don't need anyone knowing that we will be attending a vampire's baby shower. If it's their baby, Matthias is bound to be there too. That is problematic. I don't know how he will act. We did agree that we would mostly ignore each other, but I hope he doesn't change his mind. I'm only twenty-eight and love is not something that I miss. It only brings more drama and unnecessary stress. It is also a fact that I am straight. My mate being a man doesn't help me to develop deeper feelings for him.

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