Chapter 44

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Matthias POV

Milana's birthday celebrations continued the following day. While Katie and Claudia went to buy groceries, Daniel and I helped Micah and Nikolas watch over the baby girl. Her toys were constantly being brought to her mouth as she played on the matted floor. She loved to chew on them while babbling baby gibberish.

“I think her fangs must be growing,” Micah commented. “When will she start to drink blood?”

“It depends, but since she comes from a pure bloodline, I’ll say in her twenties,” I answered as my brother nodded.

“The weaker the bloodline, the longer it takes,” Nikolas added. “A useless weakness,” he smiled as he took her daughter into his arms.

“The world isn’t as dangerous as you make it seem,” Micah groaned while folding his arms.

“It isn’t. I’m here to protect her,” Nikolas kissed Milana’s nose.

She giggled before squirming to get out of his arms. Releasing her, Nikolas gently placed her on the floor. She crawled toward her favourite toy before chomping on it.

“And you, of course,” he quickly added before kissing Micah’s cheek, who grumbled before swatting his mate’s wandering hands.

“I don’t need to be protected.”

I smiled as Daniel had his head leaning on my shoulder. After being the Alpha for so many years, he didn't have much time to relax. It warmed my heart to see him loosen up and laze around. He had always been so uptight. Last night was crazy too. He made sure I paid back in full and even more. I went a bit crazy too. We competed against each other until dawn came.

Micah looked at me and whispered teasingly. “Look at you, how cute.”

I smirked and patted my legs. “You’re free to join too, Princess.”

Daniel shifted and placed his head on my legs. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he glared at me. I smiled innocently with a shrug before playing with his hair.

“It was only a joke.”

“Right,” he grumbled with his eyes closed.

An hour later, the ladies came back from their trip to the store. Together, they carried bags on both their arms. Chatting, they headed straight for the kitchen. Micah went to help unpack the bags. At the same time. Daniel’s phone rang. I glared at the device as my mate walked away for some privacy.

“So you've adjusted to living with him fairly well,” Nikolas commented with a smile.

I shrugged. “It has its perks.”

“I bet. For someone who disliked werewolves until recently,” he smirked as I rolled my eyes. “How’s life in the pack.”

I sighed. “It’s good. I’m accustomed to the life there. But I’m still fighting for the upper ranks’ approval. They are stubborn.”

“Like you aren’t.”

I scoffed as my mate barged into the room. “We’re leaving.”

Worried, I stood up. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ll explain on the way. I’ll get my sister.”

I nodded. “I’ll pack up.”

Daniel almost ran toward the kitchen as I turned to Nikolas. “Sorry, it looks like we're going to have to leave now.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll go explain to Micah.”


“Go,” he waved me away.

I ran upstairs and threw our clothes and other appliances in our suitcase. Because we travelled lightly, this took no time at all. I only hoped I had more time to clean the room better. After quickly checking the room and bathroom twice, I pulled the case downstairs. Near the front door, I see my two siblings and Micah waiting for me.

“They are already in the car,” Katie mentioned as I nodded.

“It was nice seeing you. And you,” I used my high-pitched voice to talk to Milana. “Happy birthday and be healthy.”

Shy, she pressed her face into Micah's neck. “Thank you. Have a safe trip,” Micah added, as I smiled in return.

“Thank you again.”

I left their house and ran toward the car, where my mate and Claudia were waiting. I loaded the suitcase into the trunk and took my seat into the passenger seat. After a few minutes, we were on the highway. We were speeding our way home. The atmosphere was tense as Daniel gripped the wheel tightly. I was afraid that my mate would abandon the car and run home if there was a traffic jam. Claudia was as silent as the dead. She must be intimidated by her Alpha’s. After driving for a while in silence, I dared to ask.

“What was the problem?”

“The pack was attacked,” Daniel growled as fur sprouted on his arms.

Gently, I placed my hand on his upper leg. Fortunately, it was enough to bring some senses back into him. As an oversized wolf in what may be a sardine can, I didn't know how well he could drive. Also, disposing of the humans surrounding us would be a chore.

“Was anyone injured?” I first asked with concern.

“No one was injured. They quickly retreated.”

“I wonder what triggered them to do so… Were they rogues?”
We had been spotting them quite frequently near our borders. It was rare, but they could have joined forces to claim our land as theirs.

“It wasn’t. The smell was human, but they said something was wrong about it.”

“It wasn’t the enforcers then. They are regular humans,” I mumbled.

There was a chance that it could have been them. They were, however, so rare that not many people knew they existed. But I couldn’t erase the possibility. I needed more information before informing Daniel.

Honestly, I hoped I was mistaken.

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