Chapter 2

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Daniel POV

I silently observe the glorious moon being covered by the clouds as I feel the gentle wind blow on my fur. I sniff the air as I can feel my ear moving from side to side in case I sense something out of the ordinary. Even in a dark night like today, I can clearly see the porcupine eating bark from a fallen conifer or the flying squirrel jumping from tree to tree.

My ears perked up when I hear a howl from my lead warrior. Sitting up, I run down the hill I was staying on at full throttle. On all fours I make my way through the forest while avoiding trees, branches and other stuff nature sends my way. It has rained recently, so my paws sink a little into the muddy grass and droplets of water fall on my fur when I disturb the quietness of the forest.

As I get closer new and unfamiliar scents tickle my nose. I also recognize the odours of my packmates. When I see my lead warrior, William, I slow down before starting to shift back to my human form. I quickly scan around as I can perceive what looks like a fire camp from afar.

"What is it?" I ask the man next to me while crossing my arms.

"Humans, they are trespassing. We warned them, but they chose to blatantly ignore us," William answers with an annoyed growl.

"I see. Give me your pants," I order as I hear someone yip from behind. I turn to face them as three of my warriors are carefully hiding in the dark behind a few trees. "At my signal," I inform as they yip for an answer.

I take William's pants and quickly put it on before crossing the distance between the trespassers and me. I take a deep breath, so I won't accidentally kill them. They are intruding on my territory, but they are only humans. They don't have instincts, and they are only following whatever their stupidity leads them.

As I get closer, I notice that four people are sitting around the fire camp. I also see empty cans of beer and other trash lying around the ground. I suppress a growl as I keep getting closer to them.

"You are trespassing on private property," I inform them sternly as the stench of alcohol assaults my nostrils.

"Yeah, yeah, we have been warned already. Beat it old man," one of the teenagers says while frantically waving his can of beer around.

"What are you going to do about it? Report us?" another guy chuckles before the other joined him.

"To whom the police?" I ask with sarcasm.

"No, to your mom!" the same guy answer before breaking into laughers.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "This is a wolf reserve and trespassers do happen to disappear every now and then," I explain as I snap my fingers once. "You wouldn't want to be one of them, would you?"

My warriors in their wolf form appear from the shadows with their heads lowered, their tails up and their ears positioned out to the side with their teeth barren and wrinkled snouts. They were also slightly growling while taking a few steps closer to the teenagers.

"Woah, what are you doing?! Do you think you can get away with murder?" one of them shouts while sitting up with his hand out as if it would slow the snarling wolves from getting closer.

"Murder?" I laugh harshly as they wince. "I warned you and you decided to not listen. Plus, who said it was a murder? It would be more like an unfortunate accident."

"A-alright, chill dude! We are going to leave, so don't k-kill us."

"But if I cause you to go, there's no guarantee that you'll not do it again. You need to be taught a lesson."

I turn around and walk away as I hear them scream and plead for me to return and spare them when they realize that they are left alone with the wolves. Before long, the odour of ammonia fills the air as they pee in their pants.

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