Chapter 41

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Daniel POV

“Wake up,” I told Matthias, whose naked body lay next to mine.

He grumbled something incomprehensible before turning around. I rubbed my eyes to dispel the sleepiness. Pushing the blanket away, I left the comfort of my bed. My morning routine started in the bathroom without turning on the lights. I despised the sting caused by the sudden change in luminosity. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed my mate’s naked ass in full view.  I rolled my eyes and slapped it hard.

“W-what? What’s happening?” he asked, disoriented and drooling from the corner of his mouth.

“Wake up,” I repeated. “Time for patrol.”

Matthias blinked a few times before staring at the moon through the window. “But the sun’s not even up yet,” he yawned, ready to fall back asleep.

“You were the one who insisted on coming yesterday,” I sighed, looking at my mate, who was motionless. “You have fifteen minutes, or I’ll drag your naked ass outside.”

I walked out of my apartment and into the packhouse, completely naked. I didn’t feel like changing before having to undress again. Outside, I welcomed the cold breeze enveloping my body. I stretched my arms and legs while waiting for Matthias. Minutes passed, and I sighed, but I decided to wait another five minutes before leaving on my own. The men currently patrolling will be back shortly.

“Good morning,” Matthias yawned, still half asleep.

As the warriors just returned from patrolling the territory, I grumbled, “You're late.”

“I’m not, you’re just early,” he replied with a smirk as I shook my head.

Different coloured wolves halted in front of them. Some shook their fur around before shifting into their human form.

“Alphas,” they greeted respectfully.

All of them looked at me for further instructions, and I just stared back at them. Matthias, who quickly caught on, cleared his throat, attracting the warriors’ attention.

“Report,” he ordered.

Sylvester, the leader of the group, hesitated. There were a few seconds that passed, and he still didn't respond. I put a leash on my anger. Although they feared and respected me, they had to feel the same way about Matthias. He needed to prove himself. The only thing I could do was let him have the opportunity.

“Sylvester, where is your report?” Matthias repeated more authoritatively as his eyes glowed red.

The werewolves behind Sylvester became antsy. Many even elbowed their leader to try to force him into answering, but to no avail.

“Because of his disobedience, Sylvester will be demoted from his position as a warrior and forbidden to go on patrol and training.”

“For how long?” he asked angrily.

“Until I say otherwise. Go help the omegas, there are plenty of work.”

As fire burned in Sylvester's eyes, he gritted his teeth. Without a word toward Matthias, he turned on his heels. “Let’s go.”

“I’m still waiting for my report,” Matthias added as the warriors froze in their step.

Blanche, a female warrior, quickly grasped the opportunity and took a step forward. Without wasting a second, she gave both Alphas the result of their patrol. A few hours after midnight, they chased a rogue on the left side of the territory, but it quickly escaped as soon as it spotted the warriors. Afterwards, there was nothing of note that needed to be reported.

“Good work,” Matthias nodded. “From today onward, you’ll be Sylvester’s replacement. You can now go rest.”

Blanche smiled and quickly thanked him before leading the other werewolves into the packhouse.

“Was I too rough?”

“No,” I answered without hesitation. “They fully know the consequences of insubordination and disobedience. I would have done the same.”

“I still have lots of minds to convince.”

“Don't discriminate in rewarding and punishing, Matthias. You're the Alpha,” I warned.

“I’ll be careful,” he nodded once.

“Good, let’s patrol. We’re late,” I grumbled as the first sun rays started to appear.

As it was Matthias' first patrol, I opted to remain in my human form. Entering the forest, I guided him on an invisible path to the eyes. On every few trees, I marked my scent to delimit the territory. From time to time, I went on my hinge legs to scratch a tree or peed on the roots of another one. The longer they walked, the noisier the forest got. Small animals walked out of their nest while the birds chirped incessantly.

“Doesn’t it bother you?” he asked a few steps behind.

“What does?”

“Walking naked.”

I stopped walking before turning around. “I thought you would enjoy the view.”

“It’s a great view, don’t get me wrong, but why don’t you shift?”

I moistened my lips as I observe our surroundings. We were already halfway through. I suppose there wasn’t anything wrong with it. Plus, it was indeed uncomfortable. I nodded and quickly shifted. I felt my bones shifting and moving to new places as I crouched down on all four. Fur sprouted from every pore, and the cold breeze of the morning became more comfortable. Suddenly, I felt a cold hand caress my back and I leaned into his touch.

“Don’t purr now,” he joked as I stared at him unimpressed before sneezing on him.

He quickly jerked away in disgust before wiping his face clean while muttering how disgusting it was. Ignoring his complaints, I walked away. I was worried he would still be affected by his mother’s words. However, I was relieved to be proven wrong.

Approaching the packhouse, I noticed a faint, bitter scent in the air. I wanted to follow the trail, but a gush of wind prevented me. It was gone.

“What’s wrong?” Matthias asked. “You look worried.”

I grunted before shaking my head in a negative motion.

“Let’s go back.”

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