Chapter 23

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Daniel POV

"Is he still coped in your room?" my Beta, Tricia, asks as I read the report she handed to me a moment ago.

"Yes," I mumble distracted by the document in my hands as I flip a page.

"Do you know the reason for his sudden visit? It has been a week already."

I sigh and toss the pile of papers on the desk in front of me. I rub my temples as I stare at my Beta who squirms a little. I let her marinate a bit more while I think back at what happened these past few days.

It was a complete shock when Matthias arrived unannounced. It is no secret that he has a disdain for werewolves but we made some progress recently as he became more tolerant. However, this process takes time, and no one is perfect. Therefore, when he asked if he could stay in my pack, I knew something bad happened at his home or his family. I'm relieved that he trusts now. At least, enough to tell me what troubles him. I already know what kind of person, Matthias' mother is. I had the "honour" to meet her once before. Therefore, I can say without regret that I don't give a fuck at what she thinks about us, but I can't. Not when I know family is very important to my mate.

"He'll tell me eventually," I lie as my Beta nods in understanding. "Plus, this situation isn't bad. He will slowly get accustomed to our lifestyle and hopefully move in soon. So make sure his stay here is pleasant, and he misses nothing."

"Yes, Alpha," she answers quickly before leaving my office.

Repeatedly failing to concentrate on my duties, I turn the chair to stare out from the window. I observe the pups play as the warriors train together while the hunters patrolled the area. Everyone in the pack has a role, and Daniel being my mate also has one. He will one day take his place next to me as Alpha. But the road in front of us is still long and arduous. We have decisions to make. I still have an important one that I keep pushing away too.

Worried, I sit up and leave my office. I hurried my pace to get to my room as quickly as possible. In front of the door, I straighten up my clothes and take a deep breath before knocking two times. When there is no answer, I slowly open the door and walk inside the bedroom. I find my mate the same way I left him this morning. He is sitting next to the window while staring blankly outside. He is mostly irresponsive to everyone else, but me. I'm flattered, but it is problematic.

"You haven't eaten," I state the obvious when I notice the tray of untouched food on the table.

"What's the point? I'm a vampire. I don't need to eat," he slowly answers after a moment of silence.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as I grab the cup of water before draining it. I wait for a response, but he never gives me one. "Are you hungry?" I repeat as I use my nail to make an incision on my wrist.

As soon as a drop of blood trickles out of my wound, Matthias's body tensed up. I commend him to be able to fight his instincts to this extent. As my wound quickly closes up, I had to cut myself one more time to extract enough blood. With a cup half full, I hand it over to my mate. I hold it next to him as he still refuses to look at it. But with his eyebrows furrowed and a drop of sweat on his temple, I don't understand why he must keep torturing himself. I'm offering, not ordering.

"Take it." When he doesn't move, I sigh as I grab his hand before putting the cup into his hand. "Be a good boy and drink."

Matthias growls at me as I chuckle before ruffling his hair. He swats my hand away before setting his hair back to its initial state. "Don't touch my hair."

"Then drink. It'll help you feel better."

"You don't need to feed me every day. I'll get fat otherwise," he grumbles before taking a sip of my blood.

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