Chapter 21

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"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked, my grip on the phone tightening.

"He-he was in a-a car a-accident." Maddy cried into the phone. "He's in c-cr-critical condition." I gasped and let my hold on the phone go, letting it drop.

My best friend. Ty... is dying. Oh god, why would you let this happen? My breathing started to come in short pants as tears threatened to fall. I leaned against the wall forgetting everything around me, as I let my tears fall.

"Em, what happened?" Bryce asked, wrapping one arm around my shoulders. Hunter let him as he talked to Maddy on my phone.

"We have to go to the hospital. Ty... he-" I paused as my throat closed up as a sob broke through me.

"I'll drive." Hunter told me as he put my phone in his pocket and led me to the car. Bryce followed behind us, getting into the backseat of the car.

Hunter didn't seem to have a problem, too busy on driving to the hospital to see Ty's state.

The short 10 minute drive to the hospital was the longest ride in my life. It stretched out, making me gnaw on my lip and nails. My nerves were running wild, worried for my best friend. I held the tears in when I felt my eyes begin to sting.

Oh god. I hope he's fine. I hope he recovers quickly and nothing major happened to Tyler. I jumped slightly when I suddenly felt someone's hand on my knee. Hunters warm hand squeezed at my knee, my nerves calming slightly.

"It's gonna be fine, I'm sure he'll recover quickly." Hunter told me, squeezing my leg once more before moving it back to the steering wheel. "Ty's a tough guy. He'll fight till he gets what he wants."

I nodded my head, swallowing the in my throat. I turned my attention out the window for the rest of the ride. I followed Hunter to the receptionist as he told them Ty's full name.

Bryce stood next to me, comfortingly rubbing my back as Hunter dealt with the receptionist. She eventually gave up the room number and floor to him as he lead us to the elevator.

Wrapping his arm around me, Hunter whispered sweet nothing in a attempt to calm me down. It worked as I looked up at him and smiled sadly. The elevator dinged and we got off searching for his room.

I spotted Maddy leaning against the wall outside two double doors. Her hair was a mess, and scratches covered her arms and face. I ran up to her leaving hunters warmth, and enveloped her in a hug, making sure not to hurt her. She had a huge bandage on her left forearm. Her tears spilled as Maddy hugged me back.

"It's my fault. It's all my f-fault." She cried into me. A few tears escaped me, hearing my best friend cry, sounding so heart broken.

I looked over at Tyler's family. Janis, Ty's step mom was there. She was rubbing Davids back. She had tear streaks running down her face. Tyler's dad, David has his hands tightly into a fist, covering his face. He was hunched over the seat. I gasped looking back at Janis. Her stomach seemed to have a small little bump. Is she pregnant?

"Yeah she is. Ty told me the good news on our date." Maddy informed me, reading my mind was she saw me gasp while looking at Janis.

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked her, turning to face her again.

She nodded and swallowed, before sighing and closing her eyes. Maddy opened her eyes looking down. "We were on our way back from our date. I convinced Ty to drive. Apparently he knew already, he just didn't want to drive." She smiled sadly, upset and disappointed with herself. "I bothered him until he said yes. He was driving me home when it happened. The car hit his side, letting him take the most damage." Tears began to run down her cheek as she replayed the scene in her head. "I opened my eyes to see Tyler bleeding next to me as he still held my hand. He had cuts everywhere and the car was pushed in to him. I managed to get out and call 911, after a while."

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