Chapter 11

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Thanksgiving part 1

It's been about month since that incident with Hunter happened. Today's Thanksgiving, and my mom invited Bryce's family, Ty's family and Maddy's family to come over.

My mom slow cooked the turkey and aunt Jessica made the Arroz con gandulees, pasta, and potato salad with Hunters help. I made the cheesecake and apple pie. Ty told me he'd bring baked macaroni and cheese. Maddy would bring corn bread and biscuits. I forgot to ask Bryce what he was bringing.

We've been hanging out a lot more. Things finally stopped being so awkward around us and it seems like him and Ana are done for good.

Best part yet, Maddy and Ty have started dating. Most of the school was really shocked at finding out that Ty was giving up his player ways for Maddy. Well, Maddy was also giving up breaking the hearts or the guys she dated. I'm glad they've finally confessed to each other. Things were kinda weird seeing them kiss and stuff, but eventually we got used to it. Maddy's been really happy, and I know Ty is too

Luke has kind of been down in the dumps. I feel bad that he likes Maddy and I got her to work things out with Ty. Although, I do know that wasn't a mistake. Hopefully he'll get over Maddy and move on to someone else.

"Emily, can you get the door?" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I stood up and straitened my dress. (The dress on the side)

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Maddy." I quickly opened the door and smiled at Maddy and her parents.

"Emily, it's so nice to see you. you haven't been over in a while." Maddy's mom, Mary Robinson told me, she was carrying Maddy's 4 year old sister. May was sucking on her thumb. Her eyes brightened and a smile broke out on her face when she saw me.

"I've been kinda busy." I smiled sheepishly and she laughed. She side hugged me before walking in to my house.

"Thanks for having us over." Andy Robinson told me before following his wife into my house, and carrying the things they brought.

"Is he here yet?"

"Nope." I smiled at how impatient she sounded to see Ty. Just as I said that, a car drove up and parked next to Maddy's parents car. She excitedly turned towards the car. Ty stepped out, his parents behind him.

"Good evening kids." Tyler's step mom, Janis greeted me and Maddy.

"Hi." Maddy quietly said behind me.

"Hi Mrs. Prescott."

"Is everyone in there?" I nodded and she walked in.

Tyler's dad and Janis got married four months ago and after their honeymoon, it still strange and awkward to talk to her. She has this air of superiority and no one knew Ty's dad was seeing someone until a week or two before their wedding. That's cause Ty told everyone.

"Hey Maddy, Emily, how've you been?" I immediately smiled at David Prescott's voice.

"Great, I hope you enjoy yourself." I told him and he nodded and walked in holding an aluminum dish.

I turned to greet Ty only to see him and Maddy having a moment. I smiled to myself before turning and walking back inside. Leaving the door open, I heard my mom and aunt Jessica talking with the other parents as I walked into the living room.

Hunter was the only other person in the room, and we haven't really spoken much since that happened. I doubt we were going to be talking like Luke and him do anytime soon.

I plopped down on the single couch and turned my attention to the tv. The Big Bang theory was on and I couldn't help but smile as raj said "I haven't cried like this since Toy Story three." I laughed immediately at how emotional he was. Apparently I startled Hunter, cause he jumped slightly and quickly turned to look at the source of the laughter. He relaxed a little, realizing he doesn't have to beat anyone up.

Hunter opened his mouth about to say something when he was interrupted by the door ringing. I hastily stood up and walked over to the door. Bryce smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hi Emily, been a while hasn't it?"

"I just saw you three days ago." I pointed out and Alex Meyers smiled sheepishly. Bryce's dad is so childish, yet responsible when he has to be. He's a huge soccer fan so Hunter will probably get along well with him.

"Oh right." He ruffled my hair, and I pouted.

"Dad, you know she doesn't like that."

"Oh pipe down son." He playfully elbowed his oldest son, Ivan.

Ivan grinned and sent me a small wave. He slightly pushed Bryce so that he was standing in front of him. Ivan is in his 2nd year of college and he's, like his father, a huge soccer fan. He's also in the soccer team as midfielder.

"Ivan it's been so long! You were supposed to visit us back in August. Why'd you canceled the trip?" I asked him punching his arm. Ivan has more muscle than Bryce does, and his skin is slightly tanner due to being out in the sun a lot. He's an inch or two taller than Bryce and his hair is longer, reaching below his ears.

"I was invited to visit a friends family, sorry." Ivan to me rubbing his arm.

Laughter was heard from inside the house.

"Everyone's inside, in the kitchen actually." I told Alex, he nodded and entered my house. I kinda forgot he was there.

"I'll be going with him then." I nodded and Ivan walked in after his dad.

I turned to Bryce and grinned. He opened his arms and smiled a toothy smile. I hugged him tightly before pulling back.

"Oh, what'd you bring?" I asked him.

"Oh that. Well we were gonna bring mashed potatoes but they kinda got ruined." Bryce responded scratching his head nervously.

"Ruined how?"

"Ivan might've hit the tray with his soccer ball, and the dish fell everywhere."


"We still have gravy?" I laughed and shook my head.

"It's fine." I turned and we walked in to my house.

I turned in to the living room and was kinda surprised by the sight. Hunter had switched the channel to a soccer game as he and Bryce's dad and brother argued over who was better. Messi or Christiano Ronaldo.

"Obviously it's Messi, have you even seen him in action." Hunter and Alex were for Messi while Ivan was for Christiano Ronaldo.

I smiled at the sight. I sat on the single couch and Bryce sat on the rug, leaning his back on my legs. I started running my hands through his hair.

"Emily! Who's better Christiano Ronaldo or Messi?" Knowing only a bit on the subject, I picked the one I've seen "in action".

"Messi." With that one word said, it was like chaos broke out. Hunter and Alex began to shout at Ivan saying they won, and Ivan sucks(Hunter). Ivan started to shout at me for picking Messi while defending himself to his dad and Hunter. He then turned to Bryce with one last lifeline and asked him over the chaos who was better. Everyone quickly became silent waiting for what would be said next.

"Sorry bro, but I gotta go with Messi." And with that Ivan was doomed.


Hey! Thanks so much for reading. I hope you like this chapter, I thought i'd do a thanksgiving chapter so there will be two parts.

I love The Big Bang Theory and I was watching that part as I was writing this story. The part where Sheldon gives Howard his spot on the couch, the center of his universe. Raj found it so sweet that he started fanning him self and saying, "I haven't cried like this since toy story three."

Anyways don't forget to,





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