Chapter 5

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Hello! That's a photo of the new character that appears in this chapter. Alright on to the story.


I walked up the path way to my house. School ended and I finally reached my house. And now to do nothing but sit there and watch tv.

I reached to open the door when it opened first. I looked up into a pair of stunning grey eyes. I've looked into these eye before. I just know it.


"Hunter! Give it back!"

"Nah I'm good!" He smirked at me before sticking his tongue out.

"Oh real mature!" I chased after him, even though we all knew i'd never catch him.

He suddenly stopped running and stood by the tree in my backyard. He held the tire swing waving my doll around.

"Give it back Hunter!" I was finally catching up to him my white skirt swaying in the process.

"Alright. I'll return her in pieces." Hunter ripped on of Stacey's arms off and through it at me.

Her arm landed right by my foot. I bent down to pick her up and noticed her head lying next to the severed arm. Tears sprung to my eyes and I looked up at hunter my lip quivering. I stared into his grey eyes and noticed how they softened once he saw my tears.

"Emily, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to mak-" I ran away before he could finish. I rubbed my eyes attempting to stop the tears. He always promised he'd never break another doll. Especially not Stacey.

"Mama!" I screamed as soon as she came into view. I continued to run and before I knew it I tripped. I fell into a mud puddle from yesterday's rain. My once favorite clean white skirt was not covered in mud. Not only that but I was dirty all over, from head to toe.

"Oh honey. It'll come right off as soon as it's washed." My mom tried to tell me over my loud wailing. Hunter appeared soon after looking like he was holding in his laughter.

"I guess this means the goodbye party is cut short. C'mon Hunter, we have to finish packing any things left around." Aunt Jessica took Hunter and while they said their goodbyes. I was told to wait in the kitchen until my mom came back to clean me up.


That was 10 years ago. The last time I saw Hunter and Jessica. (P.S. Emily is 17 now.)

And yet as I stare into these grey eyes I realize he's back.

"Emily? Is that you?" Hunters voice depended drastically since I last heard it. Not only that but his looks have changed too. He went from having chubby boyish looks to a manly and muscular, yet lean body.

"Hunter?" He grinned before he pulled me in for a tight and suffocating hug. My 5'9 height was nothing to his 6'1 height.

"Hunter? Darling, who was at the door?" I saw Jessica appear through the doorway and Hunter immediately let me go.

"Oh uh, it was just Emily." His cheeks were tinged with pink. What's going on? I'd thought he'd still be a huge douche.

"Emily! You've grown so much! You're so beautiful!" Aunt Jessica grabbed me and also pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Hi aunt Jessica. Uh yeah thanks." I blushed at the complement.

"You must have so many boys after you! You're such a pretty little lady!"

"I'm taller than you!" I laughed. "I don't have anyone after me though." For a quick second Bryce flashed in my mind. I like him but he was dating Ana! Its not like dating for a year will mean nothing all of a sudden!

"Emily, can you go get us some apple pie and a dozen donuts. Or maybe some ice cream cake? Take Hunter with you." I nodded and Hunter left the house with me.

"It's been a while, hasn't it Emmy." He hung his arm around my shoulder and I cringed at the name.

"Yeah it has." I decided to leave the name out. He just got back and maybe he changed.

"You've become really pretty. Heck beautiful even." My heart skipped a beat and I blushed.

"Oh. Thanks." Of course I have to be so awkward with complements.

"Hey Emily." I turned to face the voice.

"Hi Bryce." I looked down and took a step away from Hunter.

"Who's this?" Bryce questioned, his gaze landing behind me on Hunter.

"Oh um. Bryce this is Hunter. Remember he lived across the street before. Hunter this is Bryce. His family moved next door to me about a month or two before you left." I don't know why but there was a thick tension in the air.

"Well nice to meet you... again." Bryce stepped forward and extended his hand.

"Yeah same." Hunter made no move to shake Bryce's hand. Bryce slowly retracted his hand and put it by his side.

"I was looking for you at school so we could walk home together." Bryce turned his attention to me.

"I had to hurry home and I didn't know where you were." Lie. I saw him and even ducked trying my hardest to walk home alone.

"Well there's always tomorrow morning right? we have a talk we haven't finished." Crap. The inevitable.

"Yeah, tomorrow morning." I nodded my head before internally cringing.

"Emmy, are we gonna go or just stand here?" Hunters voice reminded me he was there.

"Oh yeah. Let's go. Do you want apple pie or ice cream cake?" I asked him and turned around. Hunter wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him.

"Bye Bryce!"

"Bye." He responded sounding like he was already by his door.

"What talk do you guys have to finish?" Damn, I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

"Oh it's nothin important, just school committee stuff." I tell him. There we go with the lying again!

"By the way, I'll be starting school with you tomorrow. I'll be walking too since my ride hasn't gotten here with most of our stuff." Yes! Bryce won't try anything! although being able to kiss those lips sure would be nice.

"Alright that's fine. You never answered. Pie or cake?"


I walked upstairs after we celebrated and ate cake along with some food my mom made. I might've eaten too much Mac&cheese. Oh well.

I grabbed a towel and hopped into the bathroom ready to take a shower. Hot water here I come.

I Stepped out of the shower moments after, wrapping the towel around my body. Ugh it's so cold out of the hot water! I opened the door and stepped out.

"Nice. Why don't you continue undressing for me?" Gasping I turned to see Hunter practically undressing me with his eyes.

"Pervert! Why are you being such a douche?"

"You didn't really think that I was as nice as you thought I was this afternoon, did ya?" Hunter sends a smirk my way before getting off the wall and walking towards me.

I should've known better than believing that he changed.

"Or maybe you'd prefer to undress for that Bryce guy." Hunter spoke in a cold and emotionless voice. He sneered down at me before turning and walking downstairs.

Upset I walked back to my room. Who does he think he is?! Whatever goes on between me and Bryce is none of his business.

Ugh I hate him! Why's he being such a jerk. I was right in not trusting him before. But he was so nice this whole afternoon. I wonder if something made him change. I quickly changed and threw myself on my bed.

Crap! I have homework to do.


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