Chapter 12

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Thanksgiving part 2

As soon as all the food was served at the table, we were all called in to eat.

I was seated to the left of Bryce and across from Hunter. To my left was seated Ty and Ivan was seated in between Hunter and his dad. They were talking about Ivan teaching Hunter some of his moves.

I looked around the table in search of aunt Jessica. She was seated next to my mom, and was chatting away with Maddy's mom, Mary and David, Ty's dad. At that moment, Bryce's dad, Alex turned in his seat and greeted Jessica with a charming smile. They started talking and I smiled in they're direction.

"The food is really good." Bryce said turning slightly to look at me. He was serving himself another plate of food as I continued to eat my rice and looked away from Jessica.

"No thanks to you." I teased him.

A light blush appeared on his cheeks and he scratched the back of his head. "I told you it was an accident."

"I know, I'm just teasing you." I laughed at how embarrassed he got.

Bryce narrowed his eyes and lightly kicked my leg. I gasped and my eyes widened as I wasn't expecting him to do that. He smiled, amused by my reaction. A war had started underneath the tables. My feet against his. I laughed at an expression he made when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Pass me the biscuits." I nodded and reached over to grab them. I handed them to Ty and he mumbled a thanks. Turning my attention away from Bryce, I watched as he took a biscuit one, after another, stuffing them in his mouth.

"Ty." He ignored me and continued to eat biscuits.

"Tyler." I tapped his forearm and he turned his attention away from the biscuits.

A very muffled "yeah" came out of his mouth and I held in my laughter.

"No one is going to steal the biscuits." A look of confusion crossed his face as he realized what he was doing. Tyler ate the biscuits that were in his mouth, before talking.

"I kinda forgot they were for everyone else too. Who made them? They're really good."

"Maddy." A smile crept on to his face and he nodded.

"Should've know."

"Maybe you can ask her to bake some, just for you." I poked his shoulder as I took a sip of my Hawaiian punch.

"So are you and Bryce going out or what?" I choked on my juice and started having a coughing fit. The room went silent and every when stopped to stare at me. My coughing stopped for a few moments and I waved them off, only to have the coughing fit come back worse than before.

Tyler smacked my back, freaking hard might i add, and was clearly holding back his laughter. Finally I had stopped coughing and I apologized to everyone. They quickly went back to their food and conversations, leaving Ty and me to our own. I spotted Janis sneer at me, like I meant to choke. That's it. I've decided. I do not like Janis.

"Wha? No, what makes you ask that?"

"Well, you guys are hanging out a lot more and he obviously likes you." Ty looked behind me after he said that. I turned and he seemed to be having a silent talk with Bryce.

"I'll be right back." I excused myself from the table and went to the upstairs bathroom.

Stepping out of the bathroom I was surprised to see someone standing their waiting. Why didn't they go to the bathroom downstairs? They stood up straight and stopped leaning against the wall. From the little light available I couldn't make out who it is. It was a guy obviously. They were taller than Tyler so it's not him. It's either Ivan, Bryce, or Hunter.

"Emily?" I relaxed at the sound of Bryce's voice.


"I wanted to ask you something, alone so I followed you here."

"Ask away." I smiled at him and he chuckled taking a few steps closer to me.

"We've known each other for quiet sometime, a long time. Since I've moved next door actually. I've liked you for most of that time, and I didn't know you liked me till recently. I know we had that..." He paused seeming to find the right word. "...disruption with Ana, but now that we're both single. Will you go out with me? Will you be my girlfriend? I promise I'll make you happy, no matter what." I gasped and looked into his eyes. He looked back into mine, his eyes full of nervousness.

"Of course."

A smile broke out into his face and he took the last few steps to me and hugged me tightly. My arms encircled him, just as tightly. Bryce bent his head down placing his lips on mine, just as gentle as the other kisses.

Pulling away I smiled at him, and we held hands. "I'm glad you asked." I honestly told him. I was really hoping he'd ask pretty soon.

"I am too." He replied as we walked back downstairs, toward where the laughter and chatter was heard.


Hi guys! I know it's not a very long chapter, and honestly I'm not really proud of it. I really feel like it's missing something but I don't know what. Maybe some Maddy or other parents. Comment on who's your favorite parent/least favorite. I'm really curious to know.

Anyways I hope you like it.
Don't forget to,





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