Chapter 8

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Who decided they could stay with us anyways? Well, I'm fine with aunt Jessica but not Hunter.

Never Hunter.

"Emily." My head snapped up to look at mr. Cooper.

"Oh um." I looked over to the board. Damn I'm not good at global.

"I'll repeat the question, what are some reasons the court of Versailles were desperate to go back to the old regime?" Crap. Hmm, after Napoleon Bonaparte.

"They were afraid the people in other nations would revolt against the royalty." Mr. Cooper slowly nodded his head, think my answer over.

"Okay." He walked to the front of the room and changed the slide making everyone rush to copy it down.

"Thanks." I whispered to Maddy. She nodded her head, looking smug that I didn't know it.

Maddy's such a huge nerd, yet she's so outgoing. If you get what I'm saying. Although she is really wild and crazy, she's nice to new people. She started sleeping around after three of her boyfriends, not at once, cheated on her or broke her heart. Although she has a huge crush on Tyler, he also sleeps around. More than her! Ty sleeps around for no reason. I guess he just likes it.

"Mr. Thompson, refrain from putting your hands on a girl inappropriately." Mr. Coopers brown eyes stared directly at Tyler.

"Sorry sir." Even though Tyler was apologizing, his voice was anything but sorry.

"Yes, just make sure it doesn't happen again." Ty nodded and caught my eye. He waited for mr. Cooper to turn before sticking his tongue out and rolling his eyes.

The bell rang and we left class in a hurry.

"Jeez, mr. Cooper just needs to know I need my ladies."

"Yeah, he's the wrong one." I snorted, sarcasm heavy in my tone.

"Of course he is." Maddy came up behind us and linked her arm with mine.

"Hey guys."

"I'll meet you in front of the school later." Tyler told me before hurriedly walking away.

"Did something happen between you guys?"

"No! Why would it?" She blushed as it was clear her attempts had failed.


"C'mon don't lie to me." I sent her a cheeky smile.

"Fine. We kissed." My face lit up as her cheeks darkened. With any other boy she'd have him wrapped around her finger, yet here she was blushing of Ty.

"Aww! When?"

"Yesterday. He got home and I was waiting on his doorsteps. We went up to his room and i forced him to watch Wreck It Ralph with me. Afterwards I was saying goodbye and we kissed. It was amazing!" Maddy's eyes twinkled with happiness as she retold the story.

"I'm so glad! Finally you guys kissed." It must've been after aunt Jessica's birthday party.

"But now he's avoiding me." Her smile turned in to a frown, recalling this morning when Tyler left with another girl the moment he saw Maddy.

"I'll talk some sense into him." I promised her before we split and I hurried to my last period class.


"Hurry up, nerd." I stuck my tongue out at Ty, but hurried anyways.

"Hush." He laughed before putting his arm on my shoulder.

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