Chapter 13

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I smiled at Bryce as he held my hands. He kissed each and moved in to lightly kiss my cheek.

Butterflies soared in my stomach.

"So you'll go?" He asked one more time, hoping I didn't change my mind.

"Yeah I'll go." His eyes lit up and he kissed me goodbye before walking to class.

"Well at least you're enjoying yourself."

I turned to face Luke. He was leaning against my locker. I furrowed my eyes in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"It's just Hunters been in a really pissy mood lately, and he won't cheer up no matter what I do." Luke told me as we walked to our next class period.

"Huh, I wonder why? I would ask him but we don't talk much so there's that." Luke sighed and ran his hand through his hair slightly annoyed.

"And then Maddy seemed sad during lunch today. I don't know if it's cause you had a class or she's having problems with Ty."

"I'll have to ask her about that. I hope it's not problems with Ty." Luke nodded as we took our seats in the class. Ms. Daniels walked into class and stood in front of the board. She turned on the projector and changed it to the Do Now. We quickly began to answer the two questions on the board as Ms. Daniels took the attendance.

A piece of paper was thrown on top of my notebook. I grabbed it and looked around. No one seemed to have thrown it. Everyone was answering the Do Now. Curious, I opened the paper and inside was written:

Are you and Bryce dating now?

I turned and saw Luke waiting for me to throw it back. So it was Luke who threw it.

Yeah, why?

I wrote down and passed the paper back to Luke, just in time as Ms. Daniels began the lesson. Luke never responded and I didn't know if it was because he couldn't or didn't want to.

The bell rang and everyone got up to go. Hunter wasn't in my last period class for some reason. I shrugged it off and walked to my locker to drop off some stuff.

A few minutes later I felt someone stands behind me. "Ready?"

Knowing it was Bryce I responded. "Yup." I closed my locker shut and turned to face him. I smiled at Bryce and he held my waist, bending down and pecking my lips.

"Great. I have everything planned out."

"Everything?" Bryce smiled and nodded his head, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm excited to see what you've planned." I admitted which made him grin wider.

"As you should be." Bryce held my hand as he walked me outside to his car.

I got in the passenger seat and Bryce went around the car to the drivers seat. He started the car up and we drove out school grounds.

"What did you plan for our date?"

"Oh you know... food, place to sit. The usual." My eyes narrowed and I slapped his arm lightly.

"Fine I'll wait and see." I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat.

After sometime Bryce stopped the car. I looked up from my hands and looked around. Why are we surrounded by cars?

"Where are we?" Bryce grinned, stepping out of the car.

I followed after him. I jumped slightly hearing a loud beep come from the car. Bryce stopped walking, turning around and waiting for me to catch up to him.

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