Chapter 33

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"Thanks for letting me stay." I thanked Amanda and Daniel.

"It's fine, I had no objections whatsoever. You're such a wonderful young lady." She turned to Daniel before looking back over at me. "And you're welcome here at any time."

"Thanks." I smiled and she nodded, hugging me and kissing my cheek before waving goodbye.

"I'll be back mom." Daniel told his mom. She nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Alright, let's go." He handed me a bag with my clothes and shoes. His mom lent me some sandals and shorts, and I wore one of Daniels shirts. I would've worn one of his moms but she's... a lot bigger than me in the chest department.

We walked into the elevator and got off downstairs. "Bye Luis." Daniel waved at the front desk guy.

"Bye Danny." I snickered at the name, hoping to embarrass him.

"Shut up." He told me, a smile on his face. His cheeks were slightly pink and he looked anywhere but me as we got into the car. I told him my street name and he started the car.

"Why? Danny's an adorable name."

"I know what it is." I laughed at what he said and poked his side. "Besides at least I'm not called Emmy."

I stiffened, thinking about Hunter. "It's Em or Emily!"

"No, I think Emmy sounds about right."

"Fine." I reluctantly gave in. A smile grew on my face. "Only if I can call you Danny." I got him now he's not gonna agree to this.

He sighed, and thought it over. "Fine, I'm okay with that, Emmy." A grin grew on to his face.

"I thought you wouldn't agree!" I shook my head when he only laughed at me. I turned my head and stared out the window, watching the house get closer and closer.

"Which house?"

"This one." He nodded and parked right next to my moms car.

"So... here we are." I nodded, the atmosphere feeling awkward all of a sudden.

"Yup." I told him, popping the p. I sighed and looked at him. "Thanks for everything, Danny-" I smiled slyly at him before continuing. "-for letting me spend the night, feeding me and letting me borrow clothes and shower in your house."

"Yeah it's no problem." He smiled. "It was the least I could do for you."

I nodded and opened the car door. Stepping out, I walked up to my door.

"Hold on!" I turned around, hearing Danny call after me. He got out of his car and ran towards me. "Can I get your number, so we can.. ya know, hang out later?" He asked, scratching the back of his head.

I laughed loudly not being able to hold it in. He's too cute. "Of course." I took his outstretched phone and dialed my number. I saved it to his contacts and wrote my name as Emmy.

I smiled happily and then called myself so I could save his number.

"Alright, that's all done."

"Awesome." He grinned an ran his hand through his hair. "I'll text you later."

"Bye bye Danny boy." I was about to turn away and unlock my front door but I didn't.

Instead took two steps closer to Daniel and wrapped my arms around his frame. He was surprised, and took a few seconds to hug me back. His hands knotted themselves in my hair and moved down to my lower back.

"Good luck with whatever is waiting for you in there." He told me, stepping away.

"Thanks I'm probably gonna need it." I turned away and unlocked the door, stepping inside, and hearing him drive away.

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