Chapter 22

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A sigh of relief escape my lips as I stopped in front of our house. I hurriedly took the key out as I barged in through the front door.

It was dark outside, as I closed the door behind me. I flicked the light on and looked into the kitchen and living room.

"Hunter?" I called out. I heard a noise come from upstairs and I quickly rushed up the stairs, two steps at a time.

"Hunter where are you?" My hear skipped a beat as the scene reminded me of a horror movie. The chick hears a noise and walks around the dark and quiet, solitary house in search for the source. Of course this would be the part where people would shout at the stupid girl to turn around and walk away.

Of course I couldn't help myself and continued anyways as I hear another noise down the hall. Walking up to the rarely used doors. I slowly turned the handle, relishing the fresh breeze.

Fully opening the doors, I stepped out into the rarely used balcony. There on the bench kept out on the balcony sat Hunter, a bottle of whiskey between his fingers.

There were three more bottles, on the floor next to him. One empty, two full. Hunter stared out into the night sky, thinking hard about something as his fingers played with the bottle. I closed the doors behind me and turned back to face him. This time he was looking down at the floor, a big sigh escaping his lips. He took a big gulp, downing almost half of what was in there.

I walked closer to him, scratching the inside of my palm. I nervously bit my lip as I watched him look back into the night sky, looking sad and tired.

"Hunter, why'd you leave?" I asked him. He turned to face me, avoiding looking in to my eyes as his eyes settled on the doors behind me. "And why are you drinking?"

"I had to forget." Hunters words were a bit slurred. He took another big swing, leaving the bottle empty. "Why would I want to remember the past?" He laughed harshly as he dropped the bottle and took another one.

"What do you have to forget?" Hunter offered me some liquor, but I quickly shook my head no. He shrugged before opening it and taking a sip.

"I-I had to forget. I didn't mean to." Another gulp. "She's right, it's all my fault." He took another big gulp. Hunter shook his head and pulled on some strands of his black hair.

My heart ached as I reached for him. I cradled his head into me, and a few tears came out my eyes when I heard a sob escape his lips. "Does this involve Myra? You can tell me, you know that right?"

He nodded, seeming to sober up and dropped the alcohol on the ground. The remainder of its contents spilled across the floor. We'll probably have to clean that afterwards.

"Ty's accident reminded me of what I did. Of what I did to Myra's sister and little brother." His hand gripped on to my shirt, as he buried his head in to my stomach. I squeezed my hand into a fist as I recalled my goodbye to Ty. "It's part of the reason I eagerly wanted to move back. I wanted to forget the misfortune I caused on her family."

"Oh Hunter." I soothingly rubbed my hand up and down his back.

"I tried to forget the feelings I had for you by dating Myra's sister. Her name was Rosalyn. Rosalyn Santos. Myra is her half sister so they have different last names. Rosa was so sweet and yet sassy at times." He looked up, finally meeting my eyes. "She kinda reminded me of you, except she was tanner and she had brown eyes." I slowly nodded my head and swallowed the ball in my throat. "I didn't know Myra as well as Rosa, both liked me when we were dating. That may have caused some tension between them."

"Rosas parents really liked me. They gave me the motorcycle. They thought we'd get married and id always be with her. They were the most crushed and blamed me when they found out." His grip on my shirt tightened again. "I d-didn't mean to, but they're right. It's my f-fault. I was driving when it happened. I had a date planned when she asked me to take her to pick up her little brother, Jose." Hunter pulled away and leaned back on to the fence, putting his hand on his face.

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