Chapter 32

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Knock, knock, knock

"Who is it?" I asked, stretching my arms. I sat up and checked the time. Who could be knocking at 2:38 in the morning? Jeez. Don't people sleep.

"It's me." I froze, hearing Hunter's. I didn't want to see him, but it must be important if he's knocking at this time.

I sighed. "Come in."

The door slowly opened to reveal him without a shirt on. He stood there, wearing basketball shorts, his eyes looking right at me. I looked down not really wanting to see him. I was still angry and he knew it.

I sat with my hurt ankle folded in and the other stretched out. I rubbed at my ankle hoping that it'd get better soon.

He sighed and walked closer. "Look I'm sorry, I know it's a sensitive subject for you and I just outright called you a liar. I haven't slept. I keep thinking about how I left things with you and I get angry with myself." Hunter walked even closer, and bent down to have his face leveled with mine. "I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"

I pursed my lips, not really sure if I was ready to forgive him. He apologized for calling me a liar but he didn't say he believed me. I might as well just get over it. He's here and he apologized. That's all that matters... I guess. "Of course you are."

He grinned and pecked my lips. I smiled a little and laid back down. At least I don't have to worry about the argument with him now.

"How about we go on a date? Tomorrow?" I smiled at his suggestion and nodded.

I sat back up and rested on my hands. "Only if I get to plan everything."

His eyes widened in surprise, not expecting me to suggest this. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah! You've planned the other ones, so why can't i?" I asked him. I pushed the hair in my face back and look at him.

"Alright." He smiled, excitement in his eyes.

"It's gonna be so much better than the ones you've taken me on." I joked.

He scoffed, knowing that I was joking around. "Yeah right, they were amazing and nothing can top them."

"They sucked." I deepened my voice when I said sucked. He laughed and kissed me once more.

"Good night Emmy." I smiled and kissed him again.

"Good night Huntee."


I rushed to answer the call when I saw it was Maddy. "Hey there friend."


"How've you been?" She asked.

"I'm holding up, and you?"

Maddy chuckled. "A lot better, I have a date with Luke today."

I squealed, happy that Maddy was finally going to give Luke a chance. "Really? When did he ask you?"

"A few minutes ago, I was so excited I just had to call you!" She laughed, her voice full of happiness.

"You guys are so cute." I told her, grinning as I looked at the time.

"Thanks, you got any plans for today?"

"Yeah actually, I also have a date." I looked down at my emerald colored dress and silver shoes. I did my make up and even curled my hair every two or three strands. I left it down, with one braid on the side.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"I prepared dinner and got help from Bryce. He helped me get everything there, since I hurt my ankle yesterday." I tapped my fingers against the wall. "I got a table out in the park, and I'm leaving in like 10 minutes to wait for him there."

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