Chapter 6

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I groaned as all I felt was pain in my face. I opened my eyes from my amazing ass dream to see I was in a very awkward position. Somehow my face was on the floor while the rest of my body was tangled with my bed sheets still on my bed. I struggled to get one arm out of my sheets. Damn why is this so hard. I yanked my hand out and attempted to lift myself up. Although, me being me, failed and I end up falling on the floor.

What a wonderful way to wake up this morning. I quickly got up and walked to the bathroom. I changed into my clothes and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair and used the potty. I've been thinking about it last night. Bryce already broke up with Ana, maybe I should just go out with him since he likes me and I obviously like him.

"Morning." I say to my mom before grabbing the frosted flakes cereal box and a bowl.

"What's with all those thumps this morning?" My mom said while putting her own cereal bowl plate, now empty, on the sink.

"Oh um... I fell off my bed." I smile sheepishly and she snorts.

"Of course you did."

"C'mon mom! you're supposed to ask if I'm fine!" I playfully pouted at her.

"You're still alive." Oh goodness.



"Bye mom!" I yelled running down the stairs after grabbing my bag from my room.

"Bye. Take care!"

Once out the door i started to walk down the path to the side walk.

"Why'd you take so long?" A shriek escapes my lips not expecting anyone next to me.

"Hunter! what are you doing on my porch?" I turned and put my hand on my hip. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Waiting for you. You sure took your sweet ass time though."

"Shush. Well, let's go then." I walked ahead of him and noticed Bryce watching us from the side walk. Oh god. I'm nervous. I'll tell him once we're alone.

"Morning Emily, Hunter, right?" Hunter nodded his head and I smiled at Bryce.

"So are you going to school with us now?" I looked over to Bryce and saw him looking at Hunter questioningly.

"Yeah, starting today." Hunter shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down. There was a silence as we walked quietly.

"So Bryce I hear you're dating some chick named Ana." My head snapped up and Hunter was staring Bryce in the eyes. His eyebrow was raised and Bryce looked a little shocked by the sudden question.

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" What? Are you kidding me! I tried to get Bryce to look at me but he was clearly avoiding eye contact with me. He nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Oh I just heard it from a little birdie." Bryce nodded. Well this just sucks. Not even a day after confessing to me and he's dating Ana.

"Hey guys!" Luke draped his arm on mine and Hunters shoulder.

"Hi Luke." At least it won't be as awkward with Luke here.

"Luke!" Hunter grinned widely before doing this handshake thing with Luke. They then pulled each other in for a manly side hug thing. I guess they know each other.

"So glad to have you back!" Luke said enthusiastically.

"It's good to be back." Hunter couldn't stop smiling. We continued walking as Luke and Hunter talked about random things.

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