Chapter 25

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Maddy's POV

It's been one bloody month.

My grades have skyrocketed.

I literally shoved my face into all the texts books and work I had available. I'm a two weeks ahead in the text book reading for history class!

I pulled on my pony tail, tightening it even more. My shaking hand reached over and straightened out my various lotions. Now organized, they stood in a straight line, tallest to shortest. I nervously tapped my fingers against my leg as I looked it over, checking for any mistake.

"Mads, you in here?" I turned around to see Ariel and Emily opening the door to my room.

"Wow your room is so clean!" Emily exclaimed, looking around my bedroom.

"It's so much neater than last time." Ariel picked up on of the many stuffed animals I had on my bed. She squeezed it's belly before placing it back down.

My tapping quickened before I abruptly stopped, resisting the urge to place it back to its original spot.

"Uh yeah, I know."

"So how've you been?" Ariel asked as Emily looked around my room before sitting on the chair that was filled with papers and clothes earlier.

"Good." I guess. I added in my head.

Emily immediately saw right through my good. She raised one of her eyebrows. "Is this also why your room is like this?"

"I just felt like tidying up." I told her, shrugging my shoulders.

"Maddy, you know we're here for you, right?" I gave a small smile to Emily and Ariel. Nodding slowly, i looked down hoping the tears wouldn't spring out.

"Anyways, we just stopped by to see how you were doing. I have a second date with Hunter that I have to get ready for." Emily wiggled her eyebrows, probably thinking back to her first date with Hunter. They are so cute together. He took her to the outskirts of town, to a little diner. My smile slowly flattened down into a sad look. It's kinda like what I had with him, after all that time spent crushing on him. "He's taking me on a ride on his motorcycle and then we're having a picnic out where we used to hangout."

"I want to stay with you, but I promised my mom I would babysit for Sebby." Ariel pushed her hair to one side, letting it fall down her shoulder.

"It's fine really." I smiled at them reassuringly. Ariel quickly hugged me, before taking her phone out and answering a call.

"Yeah dad... yeah I'm on my way. Don't worry I'll be there on time." A smile covered her face as she talked with her dad.

"So Luke." Emily asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah he's been hanging around us more."

"I've noticed." She had a small smile on her lips and I couldn't help but be jealous. She has Hunter, her mom and Jessica to help her deal with everything. And I know for a fact that her and Bryce are back to being friends. Ivan flew in from college, a week or two after the funeral.

Not only does Emily have her family, but she has Bryce and his family too. Everyone is always there for her, and she can't help but have this happy, cheerful attitude. She always pulls people in with her smile and she's not even trying. I have to work and study for my grades while she is all nonchalant about it.

I bit my lip and dug my nails into my thighs To keep myself from thinking more horrible things.

Emily hugged me tightly before Ariel interrupted us. "Guys I have to go, I'll call you later." She quickly kissed our cheeks before waving goodbye and walking out.

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