Chapter 34

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"Hunty? Are we gonna hang out today too? I have your favorite ready."

I froze the moment I heard her voice. I remembered her smirking face in the dark, as she knew what was coming. In fact I remember the smug look she had on her face. She walked out of the room, leaving me tied up on the bed and defenseless against Chris.

"Hunty, You there?" She asked again.

"No Myra, he's eating now, but don't worry I'll tell him you called."

"Sure you are. You're probably not even gonna tell him that the phone rang just because you think he's yours."

"I'll tell him. You should be happy to know that we broke up." I took a deep breath, desperately trying to even my voice out. "He's all yours."

I hung up before she could say anything else. She probably would've rubbed it in my face.

"Myra called for you." I told Hunter, looking him in the eyes. "I'm leaving!" I called out.

I closed the door behind me and walked quickly. I rounded the corner and sat on the grass, not being able to walk anymore. My legs were shaking and my hands were clenched into a tight fist. I took a shaky breath, calming myself down.

Of course he didn't show up. Myra was more important than me. He was obviously with her yesterday. He must've been so distracted if he didn't even have time to check his phone. It also explains why he didn't trust me when I told him Myra was there. They must've been sleeping around for a while now. Laughing behind my back at how much of an idiot I am.

I groaned angry at him all over again.

"Emily, what are you doing on the floor?" I looked up and my anger increased even more, if possible.

The guy I didn't want to see stood over me.

"Nothing." I stood up and dusted off my pants. "Why are you here?"

"I didn't know you were here, honestly. I was just going..on a stroll."

"Stroll?" I asked Hunter. I knew he was going to see Myra. Of course he was. This is the shortest way to her house.

"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "I should get going, don't wanna be late."

"Late for your stroll?"

"You don't want to be late.." Anger clouded his eye. "To your date with Danny, right."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Yeah, he's probably worried." I didn't bother correcting him.

"It hasn't even been a day and you're already being a huge whore." I looked at him my eyes getting wide in surprise.

This little dick.

Rage filled my body and before I knew it, I pulled my arm back and punched him in the face. "Fuck off." I yelled running away from him.


I reached the park out of breath, with my hand hurting. I leaned against the wall and steadied my breathing.

Why did I do that?

"Hey, you're late." Daniel poked my side and I turned to look at him, eyes wide. His smile immediately left his face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I smiled, trying to hide the fact that I was upset.

"No you're not. C'mon, you can tell me." He pushed my hair behind my ear.

I nodded, knowing fully well that I could trust him. "Hunter and I broke up early today and he... Called me a whore a few minutes ago." I let out a shaky breath. "He stood me up yesterday day because he was with Myra and he's going to see her now."

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