Chapter 29

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I groaned opening one eye in pain. I squinted to try and see my surroundings better in the dark light. My shoes were off, my bare cold feet, out in the open. I looked around, trying to find the source of the whispers I heard.

They stopped immediately upon hearing my movement.

"Do it." The female voice snapped before I heard footsteps. The female that had just spoken moved towards me, until her face was right in front of mine. My eyes tried as hard as they could to focus on who it was until I could see better in the dark. Myra? She smirked, staring right into my eyes before she turned around and I heard a door opening and closing.

Why was Myra here? Did she plan this? Who was she talking to?

I hurriedly tried to untie my wrists, that were now held together by a rope. I winced, upon feeling pain on my wrists.

"That's not gonna work and you know it." I froze, hearing a man's voice. It echoed in the room we were in. It's so familiar and yet I can't tell who it belongs to.

"Who are you?" I asked, my hands still fumbling with the rope around my wrist. I wonder why only my wrist are tied up.

A dim light beside me was lit, giving me a chance to look at what's around me. I was laying down on what seemed to be a mattress on the floor. My wrists were tied together, above my head to a pole. There was a door from where the light came from before. Besides that the room was completely empty. A shuffling brought my attention to the shadow leaning against the wall. He moved closer to me, making me inch as far back as I could.

I squeezed my eyes closed and froze when I felt his breath on my neck, making me squirm even more. I fought against the rope even more, fearful of what was to come. Please, please don't do it.

A scream left my lips when he touched my leg, slowly moving up my thighs. I kicked at him until he groaned.

He held on to my legs and looked up. "Look me in the eyes." I closed my eyes shut, fearful of what would happen when I did. My hands were now behind my back, keeping them hidden from view as I continued to desperately try at the rope.

His hand on my leg tightened to the point where it hurt. One hand left my leg and reached to move my face towards him. "Look at me." He firmly said, anger clear in his voice.

I reluctantly opened my eyes, staring into his lust filled brown ones. A gasp escaped my lips, my eyes widening in shock and surprise. "Chris?" I would've never suspected him. He was always so nice, helping my mom and I out and working to help his mom pay for his younger brothers. He was going to college. He had a bright future and everything.

So why was he doing this?

I voiced my thoughts and a cruel smile reached his lips. "God Emily you're so clueless. Do you know how many times I've asked you out and hit on you." He shook his head, his hair moving side to side. His grip on my leg tightened slightly. "Yet this Hunter dude comes along and you fall right into his arms." His cruel smile became a smirk, stretching out across his face. "Pathetic, don't you think?"

Anger surged through my body, when he called what I had for Hunter pathetic. "No it's not! Hunte-" Chris slapped me, his face showing that he was clearly angry.

My eyes widened not expecting Chris, the helpful guy that used to joke around with Tyler and I, to hit me. It finally sunk in. This isn't a joke. He's actually going to go through with this, despite my protests. This is all real.

"Don't say his name." He told me, disgust clear in his voice. His hand let go of one of my legs, slowly sliding up my thigh. He firmly gripped on to my other leg, not letting me fight back.

The anger I felt was now replaced with fear. Fear for what was going to happen. Fear for what I would go through.

I struggled to fight back against his hold and the rope tying my wrist together. He yanked my pants off, leaving me in only my shirt and panties.

"No! Chris stop!" His hands rushed up to my sides, sliding up and down, lust clear in his eyes. "Please." I begged, tears starting to slide down my cheeks.

He smashed his lips against mine. He tried to pry my lips open, but I kept mine sealed shut. I tried as hard as I could to push him away, to get his hands and lips off me. Yet no matter what I did, they'd stay where they were. I bit on his lip, hard, making him groan and jump back.

"You bitch." He said, holding his now bleeding lip. "I tried to be nice to you and that got me no where." He sucked on his bottom lip before moving back to trail his nose up my neck. "Don't worry, you'll love it once we get started."

His hands moved up my thigh, going closer and closer to my intimate spot. I squeezed my legs closely together, hoping it would by me some time. His mouth moved back to my face, but he knew better than kiss my lips. He kissed down my jawline, slowly moving down my neck and what was available through my shirt. His hands moved away from my legs, and traveled up my shirt. He paused to grip my waist and caress my sides, before sliding his hands up my shirt.

I dug my back into the pole, not giving him a chance to unclip my bra. He realized what I was doing and simply pushed my bra up so he could play with my breasts. He moved one hand back down to try and pry his way between my legs.

He stopped and got off the bed, taking his shirt off, and unbuckling his pants.

I picked at the rope, hoping that I could get it loose enough to get one hand out. It was a miracle. Relief flooded through my body when I pushed an end of the rope and the rope became loose. With one hand free, I desperately tried at the other before Chris came back onto the bed.

With both hands now free I waited for Chris to near the bed. He crept over, the mattress creaking under his weight. His cold hands ran up my legs, stopping at my waist. He smirked, thinking this was it. He would finally get what he wanted. Before his hands could touch anymore, I brought my fist back and punched him in the face. He fell back, falling off the bed with a thump.

Oh god. I punched him. I did it. I quickly got up and rushed to the door, not caring that I'd be outside in just my shirt and panties. Before I could touch the handle I was pulled back, trapped between his body and his arm. Before he could get a firm hold on me, I stomped on his foot and slammed my elbow in to his face. A shout left his lips and I quickly turned to knee him where the sun don't shine before running out the room.

I seemed to have been taken to a house. I ran down the hall, coming to some stairs. I can see the front door from here. I heard the door from the room I was just in open. I quickly ran down the steps, reaching the door handle in record time.

"Emily!" Chris yelled, his voice sounding angry and pained.

Swinging the door open, I immediately recognized the neighborhood as Maddy's. I was probably kept in the house Myra was staying in. I ran down the street as fast as I could to Maddy's house. I just had to turn this corner and I'd b-

"Gotcha!" Chris yelled, ramming me into the ground. I groaned, feeling pain throughout my whole body. "Did you forget I'm on the track team?" Chris asked me, a smirk on his face.

I struggled to get his heavy body off mine. He easily pinned me down, laughter escaping his lips. "My little Em almost got away." I cringed. How could he just treat this like a game.

"Leave me alone Chris!" I tried to push him off, but he held me down even harder. "I don't want this! Help!"

Chris let his hands explore my body, not caring that we were out in the open. I was trapped. I could do nothing but stare up at the dark sky, tears sliding down my face. My mind drifted off to my special night with Hunter. This was nothing like that. Hunter was gentle and loving, this is rushed and forceful.

My mind came back to reality when Chris's heavy weight was off me. I heard his groans and someone talking.

"Shh, Emily it's all gonna be fine. We're here now." The voice said, wrapping their arms around me. They gently cradled me to their body. They protectively wrapped their arms around me, making me feel safe.

"Did you call the police?" A male voice asked.

"Yes." The person holding me responded.

Knowing that I was now safe, with these two people who saved me and the police on their way, I drifted off into darkness.

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