Chapter 23

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I haven't gone to school in three days.

I'm sure the teachers will understand. They should.

I mean it was just three days ago that the accident took place. The first two days I was left to wallow in self-pity and cry all I want. No one interrupted me except for those few times I left my room.

My house has been eerily quiet these past few days. Everyone is still mourning. Ty's funeral is today.

A loud sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed the dry tear streaks away. I slowly got off my bed and grabbed a towel. I might as well start to get ready.

Walking downstairs, my grip on the railing tightened. My stomach grumbled and I walked into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and pulled out two bowls. One for me, one for Hunter.

Just then he walked in through the door wearing black dress pants and a black button down shirt. I got to say he looks real nice. His hair was still wet and slightly pushed back. I looked down at my own clothes. A black skirt with black tights and grey boots, since I don't have black ones. I wore a plain black shirt and tucked it in the skirt.

Hunter smiled at me and I barely returned it back. He sighed and walked over to me, pulling me in for a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling into him.

"Today's going to be tough." Hunter whispered into my ear.

"It is." I pulled away and walked over to the fridge as he poured the Frosted Flakes. A note was on the fridge, held by a magnet.

We already left to go help David and Janis. We'll see you there- Jessica

I took the note off the fridge and crumpled it up before pulling the milk out.

"They're already there." I told him. I poured some milk in both bowls. I smiled when I saw mine had more.

Throwing the note in the trash, I put the milk away and sat down next to Hunter. Frosted Flakes always make me feel better. We put the empty bowls in the sink.

I slipped on my dark grey peacoat, grabbing my black hat and scarf. I turned to see Hunter with his black coat already on. He held my hand as we walked out to the car, locking the door behind us.

I pecked Hunters lips before getting in to the car. I drove us to the funeral home, which seemed to be full.

"We might be the last ones to get here." I told Hunter, as I parked the car.

Hunter looked around before muttering. "I see."

He held my hand as we walked to the entrance. I dug my other hand further into my pockets as the cold wind nipped at us.

I looked up to the sky noticing the sun wasn't out. Instead the sky was a grey color, clouds taking up all the space. Yet it wasn't raining.

Hunter reached for the handle when someone beat him to it and opened the door. Startled he jumped back, hitting me. I groaned and moved back, rubbing my nose. Hunter quickly looked back and gave me an apologetic smile.

I looked up to see Maddy, red face and tear streaked. She was sniffing and looking at us with wide eyes.

"Maddy, let's go inside." I quickly walked over to her and led her back inside. Where was she gonna go without a coat?

"I'll see you guys inside." Hunter squeezed my hand one last time before letting go and waking into another room.

I led Maddy to the girls bathroom. The silence only broken by the occasional hiccup or sniffle. Once inside I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry.

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