Chapter 36 part 1

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That's weird.

Danny wasn't texting me back and Hunters no where to be found.

I chewed on my nail. Where are they?

Danny told me he wasn't doing anything. He said he was at home waiting for his mom to get home.

Hunter promised to help me potty train Ryuu. He said he had after school but he'd be home by 4:40.

They could both just be busy, but something feels wrong. Something feels off.

Should i call her? Amanda gave me her number in case i needed anything.

Oh what the heck. I clicked on her name and waited for her to pick up.

" Hello?" Finally someone knew how to pick up their phone.

" Hi Amanda, it's Emily."

"Oh hi darling." There was some shuffling from her side. " Can I help you with something?"

" I was just wondering if everything's alright, Daniels not answering the phone and I'm worried." I squeezed my knee with my other hand.

" Yeah, it's just we're at the police station to answer some questions and he hasn't been able to answer your call." Ryuu climbed onto my lap, going in circles before laying down.

"Are you guys okay? Did something happen?" I asked worried as to why they were there.

" We were called in to answer some questions abo- Oh here he comes." I heard some faint talking before some more rustling.

"Emmy are you okay?" I heard Danny's worried voice.

" I'm fine, are you? Why are you at the police station?" I ran a hand through my hair. " God I was so worried."

" We're answering some questions about Myra. They found a gun and a hatchet with her fingerprints and she's the suspect to the murder of her parents. " Danny told me, so I ding agitated and confused.

" Where's Myra now?"

" No one knows. They found the gun at the house she was staying in. The hatchet was buried right behind her house." I could imagine him tuning his hand through his hair and messing it up.

" They found a stolen car abandoned on the way to another town. I think she did it. She probably knew and was trying to get out of town. They're still getting fingerprints to see who was in it."

"Danny... how are you handling this?" I was worried for him. I remember the first time i saw him. He had stormed out of the house, angry with tears running down his face.

"I'm as good as I can be. I think back to how they're dead bodies were left and it's crazy to think that Myra did this. Why would she? They were nice people and very generous. They made sure that their kids had everything they wanted. I just don't see why she would go as far as to continue to hit their dead bodies with the hatchet. They were already dead and she continued." I wanted to be there with him. To hug him and wipe away his tears.

" I'm coming to see you, unless you don't want me there?" I asked.

" Please Emmy. Why wouldn't i want you here? You're the only other person that I trust besides my mom." He gave a little laugh and I laughed back.

" Good, cause I'm on my way." I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

I slowly picked Ryuu up, before putting her on the couch. Her sleeping body rolled to one side.

"Mom, can I go to the police station real quick?" I asked her, walking in to her room. She was doing her hair by the mirror. She froze before slowly turning around.

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