Chapter 36 Part 2

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I walked toward the boys locker room with Maddy. She immediately ran over to Luke.

I couldn't be more excited to congratulate Hunter.


I leaned against the wall next to the door. Why do I feel so nervous?

I excitedly tapped my foot, hoping he'd come out soon.

The door opened and i turned quickly, feeling a blush come to my cheeks.

"This is a nice surprise, come to congratulate me with a kiss?" I looked up and groaned when i saw Robert with a big smirk on his face.

I resisted trying to roll my eyes. "I'm not here for you, is Hunter almost out?"

He sighed loudly. " Yeah, he was closing his locker." He saluted me. "Later."

I nodded and took a deep breath in. What was with that sudden change. I shrugged it off.

"Emily?" I turned back around with a smile on my face. His eyes darted up to see Robert before landing on me. "You came."

His face lit up and he took two steps forward and hugged me tightly. "Of course I did." I pecked his lips. "Congrats on winning. My throat hurts from all the screeming I did."

His grin widened and his hold on me tightened. " If i knew you were coming i would've tried a lot better."

"You made a goal from the middle! How could you have done better than that?"

"I would've made two goals." I laughed.

"I'm all for having your hands around me but you kinda smell."

He laughed. "I'm surprised you lasted this long."

"Let go." I wrinkled my nose not being able to support the smell anymore. "You're all sticky too."

He grinned before slowly moving  away. I bit my lip wanting to kiss him but held back.

" Let's go." He told me. His hand reached out for mine and he intertwined our fingers.

I walked beside him, holding his hand tightly as we walked home.

I looked up at him in amazement as he told me about some moves he's been practicing.

"You know, I'm glad Maddy is finally giving Luke a chance." Hunter said. "She's all he ever talks about."

I smiled knowing he was right. Maddy now had this twinkle in her eye whenever she talked about Luke. Luke's been patiently waiting for. Maddy to finally give him a chance and he gave her space when he knew shed need it.

" Maddy's been really happy because of Luke. He helped her feel better about the accident when none of us could." I looked out at the trees in the park.

"That was really hard for him, he almost gave up. She didn't want anything to do with him and he was constantly reminded of Tyler."

"Really?" My eyes widened in surprise and I looked back at Hunter. "He always seemed so determined with Maddy."

He nodded and suddenly stopped. "I honestly thought that you changed so much that you wouldn't even be recognizable."

"Well, you certainly changed." He grinned and pulled me to him.

I let go of his hand and ran my hands up his chest, encircling them around his neck.

"For better or worse?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. one played with the hem of my shirt.

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