Chapter 35

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I walked upstairs, heading straight to my room. I already kissed my mom and aunt Jessica goodnight.

I waltzed in to the bathroom and grabbed a towel off the rack. Turning on the hot water I jumped in, my mind going back to what Daniel told me.

His reason for helping me was just to get back at Hunter. He was gonna make Hunter think their was something between us. But he didn't. Daniel was honest with me and he told me the truth. That's more than I'd ever get from Hunter.

He was constantly hiding things. He's had a rough and hard past but that doesn't mean he can treat me like a whore. I haven't done anything with Danny, unlike him and Myra. I sighed loudly, remembering Myra and how she throws herself at him.

You know what, I'm glad I punched Hunter. He fucking deserved it.

I washed off all the soap and turned off the water. I reached for the towel and dried myself off. Oh yeah, I came straight here and forgot to grab some clothes. I wrapped the towel around me tightly and walked out.

Hunter was standing by my door, his back leaning against the wall. I walked by him, ignoring his presence all together. His arm reached out and grabbed my elbow. I looked up to him, being sure to keep my face blank. He did have to know how much this was affecting me.

"Can we talk, please?" I was about to tell him to leave me alone, but I saw the pleading and sadness in his eyes. My mouth opened slightly when I saw the damage I caused him. He had a bruise on his cheek, right below his eye. The bruise was slightly swollen, with yellow and purple colors. The guilt immediately flooded my body, and I badly wanted to ask him about the pain.

"Yeah, just let me put on a shirt." I walked in and left my door open. I grabbed a shirt and some panties and put them on when he was turned away.

"I'm sorry I've been such an ass to you recently." I snorted, my arms crossed over my chest. "I'll tell you why I went to see Myra and why I was late, just please talk to me again." He turned to look at me, sadness in his eyes. " I miss seeing your smile, hearing your laughter, and doing all those little things that you love."

I sighed but gave in anyways. "Fine." I sat down on my bed, leaving him standing on the same spot. I might as well hear him out.

"I kept thinking about what you told me about Myra being there that night. I decided to go ask her but I ended up staying longer than necessary. She promised that she'd tell me the truth after we ate, and by the time I was going to text you that I'd be late, my phone died. I rushed to the park, to the table we always sit at but you weren't there. It was already raining and I was worried that you were soaked or that something had happened to you." He ran a hand through his hair, seeming anxious as he thought back to that day.

I rolled my eyes, angry that he was still taking her bullshit. She probably didn't even tell him and I have no idea why he even bothered to believe her. "I was soaked. I waited for you for longer than I should've." I couldn't keep the anger and accusation out of my tone. "At least Danny showed up with an umbrella. He even took me to his house, gave me a change of clothes, fed me and gave me a place to sleep that night." I stood up and jabbed him on his chest. "You didn't even bother calling me once to even check up on me."

"I didn't think you wanted me to! I was giving you some space and letting you cool down before we talked."

I scoffed. "Big help that did." I narrowed my eyes at him. "All it did was throw you into her arms."

"Yeah, well it also pushed you into Danny's arms, didn't it?" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. "Sorry, I just get so jealous when I think of you and Daniel together."

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