Chapter 20

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After confessing to Hunter on Saturday we haven't been left alone. Not once.

After I told him he was about to respond after blinking his eyes is surprise multiple times. Yet my mom came up, questioning if we got lost on the way to eat dinner. After that we were always surrounded and never alone.

Maddy, and Luke came over Sunday. Once again we were both busy and couldn't discuss my confession. I told Maddy what I did and she was ecstatic immediately thinking we were dating. She saddened when I told her that wasn't the case.

Maddy also told me, Ty and her have been having problems. He keeps getting jealous that she hangs out with Luke when he knows they're just friends. She also wants to teach him how to drive but doesn't know how to bring it up.

We basically had a girls day but Ariel couldn't make it. Luke stopped by to say hi to me and then him and Hunter left. I heard the roar of his motorcycle and Luke's car as they drove away.

That brings us to Monday morning. Where me and Hunter are about to have our usual morning walk to school. Honestly I'm not surprised if he leaves me and rides his motorcycle. Ya know, since he obviously doesn't like me back.

He probably wanted a casual thing like all his flings.

Oh god. I screwed things up.

I looked up when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I spoke, my voice hoarse due to not talking.

"You ready to go?" My heart swelled as I realized Hunter wasn't going to ditch me.

A blush spread on my cheeks as I remembered how I confessed to him. "Yeah." I murmured. I grabbed my bag and followed Hunter downstairs.

We started walking to school in silence. I looked down and my hair fell, covering my face from the world. I fiddled with the sleeve of my coat nervous as I was finally alone with him.

I peaked at Hunter through a gap in my hair and he seemed nervous as he also stole glances of me.

I sighed before opening my mouth. "I shouldn't have told you. It made things awkward, just forget what I said."

Hunter stopped walking and i turned to face him. "What's wrong?" I asked and he looked up, letting free of his bottom lip.

"I can't forget. I don't want to." Hunter walked up to me and my heart beat sped up and my eyes widened. "I'm sorry we haven't been alone, but I've been waiting so long to hear you say those words. Emily, you make me smile so hard, that makes my cheeks hurt. You make me forget all of my past mistakes and help me think of a better me. I've liked you since before I even moved away. And I still like you. I don't think anything is going to change that." Hunter reached to grab my hand as his other hand caressed my cheek. "Will you please be my girlfriend? I can promise you that I will never do what that dick called Bryce did to you. I promise. All you have to do is say yes."

"Of course I'm going to say yes." I answered hugging him as he claimed my lips.


"What's got you all happy?" Ty asked as he nudged me with his elbow.

"Not only her, Hunter too." Maddy put in wiggling her eye brows. I groaned and shoved her as my cheeks turned red from embarrassment. Her laughter bounced off the lockers as we walked to lunch.

"We'll see you there." I told Ty as I grabbed Maddy's hand and pulled her into the girls bathroom.

I opened the door as made sure we were alone before I turned back to Maddy. "Guess what."

Maddy put a finger on her chin pretending to think. "You and Hunter are going out."

"Wrong! Me an- wait how'd you know?"

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