Chapter 15

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I angrily slammed the door shut the moment I was safely in my room. I continued to bite my lip, tasting some of my blood. I had to walk home. I'm glad I wore these stupid flats. I angrily took them off and threw them across my room.

I avoided Hunter in the hall, when he approached me saying "Hey how'd it go."

I jumped into my bed, leaving the lights off. Squirming underneath my sheet, I made a little safe haven for myself. A little dark and quiet place where I can finally be alone. Letting my lip go, I finally let myself break down.

The tears sprout out of no where, quickly leaving a big wet spot on my sheet. I sniffed, and held in some cries.

I felt so helpless. So tired and hurt. I had trusted him. I really had. I didn't think he'd hurt me. He promised the day he asked me out. He said he'd make me happy. And I was stupid enough to fall for his lies. Stupid enough to like him. Stupid enough to say yes.

Tears continued to fall, harder and at a faster pace. I clenched my hand tightly, and opened it moments after. My nails had dug into my palm, leaving red nail marks behind.

I turned on my side and quietly wept hoping no one would walk in.

Hoping no one would bother.

Hoping no one would care.

Hoping I'd be left alone.

My body froze as I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hand comfortingly rubbed my back, slowly. Slowly, I relaxed and my tears stopped. I peered over my sheet to see Hunter looking down at me. From the moonlight available, I noticed concern written across his face.

"Why don't you go change in to something more comfortable?" I nodded my head and grabbed the clothes Hunter had.

Walking in to the bathroom I undressed and got rid of all the make up I had on. I washed my face over and over again. Tying my hair up into a messy ponytail, I grabbed the shorts Hunter gave me. They were one if my most comfortable shorts, a grey pair. I grabbed the shirt next, a red that had Flash on front. I sniffed the shirt.

It's Hunter's shirt. I faintly smiled at the thought of wearing his shirt. I quickly put it on and it was a size too big. I didn't mind though. It's more relaxing and comfortable to be dress like this than in a tight fitting dress. I looked back in to the mirror and noticed how red and puffy my eyes were. Boy, I look like a mess. Oh well.

I saddened thinking about the party. Did Daryl know Bryce was with Ana behind my back? Is that why he seemed so nervous to see me. Why would Bryce do that? I really thought he liked me. I liked him for so long, and h always seemed like a real nice guy. All the years I've known him were a lie.

I didn't even tell my friends I was leaving! I hope someone saw me leave and tells them. I sigh and run my hands over my face. I should just go out and quit worrying over it.

I stepped out of the bathroom and to my surprise Hunter was still in my room. Only now there was a candle on my bedside, lights still off.

"Wanna watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?" I smiled slightly. Hunter still remembers I used to love watching The Grinch. Only when he moved away he took my DVD and I got too lazy to buy it again. I haven't seen it since that last time with him.

"You know the answer to that." He smiled and put it on. I laid in my bed underneath the covers, waiting for it to start. Hunter put it on and passed me the remote. I took it and he began to head for the door.

Confused I asked, "Where are you going?"

"Back to my room." Hunter told me, stopping in his tracks.

"Don't you want to watch it with me?"

He scratched the back of his head and shifted his weight from foot to foot. "I thought you'd want to be alone."

I smiled at how embarrassed and awkward he sounded. "I want you to be here too. Stay with me?" I asked him.

You could visibly see Hunter relax as he walked back over to me. I patted my bed and lifted my sheet. Getting the hint he laid down next to me and we quickly got comfortable watching the movie.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hunter whispered tentatively after sometime. We where in the mail room scene where the grinch messes the mail up and first meets Cindy Lou Who.

I turned to face Hunter, after struggling with my sheet I was finally facing him. "Yeah.. Sure..." I murmured. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in. I felt Hunter's had gently caress my cheek, helping me relax.

"Bryce didn't tell me he would be going to a party tonight. I figured I could surprise him, that's the only reason for why I was going." I sighed and his hand gripped mine under the sheet. I smiled gratefully at him. "I didn't realize I would catch him cheating on me with Ana. I hate Ana so much. She's always had some kind of grudge against me but we never really confronted each other." I paused and looked away from his face. His grip on my hand tightened slightly. I focused my attention on his chest in front of me.

"I should've know. I should've realized he was still with her behind my back. But no I was too stupid. I fell for his stupid lies and I thought we had something over all these years. All the time we spent together at family get togethers. I really thought it was something special. I've even slept in his house before. We used to have sleepovers and stay up late watching tv and playing video games. Im not upset about our relationship because we've only dated for like less than two weeks. I'm upset because he did it behind my back. He threw away everything we had and he doesn't even know it. He didn't even see me or notice me there. Bryce was too focused on taking off Ana's clothes to notice me. He threw our friendship and relationship away and I just left him there. I just walked out. "

"I thought our past all meant something to him. Obviously it didn't. I wasn't good enough. That's why he did what he did." By now tears were running down my face. I sniffed and wiped them away. Hunter let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me, crushing me to his chest.

"You can cry. Don't hold it back." With that I let go. I cried in to his chest and wrapped my arms around him. The whole time he comfortingly rubbed my back.

I was finally dried up and I felt a whole lot better. "Thanks for that Hunter. I really needed it." I sniffed and smiled at him.

"It's fine Emmy. You don't even have to ask, I'll always be here for you." Hunter wiped my tear streaks away and I squeezed him. He made an oof and I giggled.

"Jeez I'm a mess."

"No, you're as gorgeous as always and I don't mean to be cliche or anything but you're too good for Bryce. You deserve a lot better, someone who won't do something shitty like he did. What he did was not your fault, at all. So stop blaming yourself. Emily, your smart, fun, not that athletic though..."

"Oh haha." I lightly tapped his cheek and narrowed my eyes.

Hunter smiled before going on. "..beautiful, respectful, strong, and you sure love your food. Besides I've seen you in moments way worse than this." Hunter smiled and tapped the tip of my nose. I closed my eyes and snuggled into him. Sleep quickly coming over me leaving only one thought on my mind.

Why is crying always so tiring?


Hey! I don't have much to say today. Just hope you like It.
Don't forget to,





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