Chapter 30

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My eyes fluttered open, the dark sky no longer in my line of sight. I winced at the pain on my cheek. I stretched my muscles, before quickly sitting up.

I relaxed when I recognized the things around me. I was in Maddy's room. I wore her pink and black Hello Kitty shorts and fluffy multi-colored socks. I tugged at the blanket, and slowly stood up. I gasped when I saw my wrists. They were badly bruised.

I walked slowly to the door, scratching my arm. I felt shaky, weak and frail. If I made a wrong step, then I could easily fall. My muscles were sore, and I badly wanted to take a shower.

The door opened before I could reach the handle. Maddy walked in, a look of surprise on her face.

"You're awake." She quickly, held my arm, somehow knowing how I felt and that I would need the support. She walked me back to the bed, gently siting me down.

"What happened?" The last thing I could remember was looking up at the sky. It was slightly dark out and now it's morning.

"Drink this." She handed me a cup of water, avoiding my question for now.

I gulped down the refreshing drink, finishing it quickly. "Tyler and I found you yesterday."

My head snapped up, eyes wide. "What did you say?" What does she mean Tyler? He's dead. I couldn't have imagined his death. I clenched my hand into a fist to stop it from shaking. My leg bounced up and down.

"Luke and I found you yesterday."

"Luke? Didn't you say Tyler?" Maddy froze as soon as she heard what I said. I should've known not to mention Tyler. I'm such an idiot. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring him up."

"It's fine." She tapped her fingers against her knee before looking back up. "We found Chris on top of you yesterday." She paused. "You were just laying there, like you had given up. I thought you were dead. I was so worried that I was gonna lose you too." Her eyes had gotten watery, and she closed them before taking deep breaths. "Luke knocked him off, and I called the police before nearing you. I saw tears running down your face and I knew you were okay... Well as okay as you could be after that. You seemed so dazed, like you no longer knew where you were."

"I held you in my arms, and it's like you knew it was me. You relaxed and before I knew it, the tears had stopped and you were asleep." She looked over at me, the sadness reaching her eyes. "The police came soon after and they took Chris. Luke carried you to my house. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would've happened. At least you're safe now." Maddy moved over and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you." I murmured against her shoulder. "Does my mom know?"

Maddy nodded her head. "She's downstairs with my mom and Hunter's mom."

"Is Hunter here?" I'm not sure why, but I don't really want him to know yet.

"Yeah he's downstairs." Maddy looked over at the door, like someone was gonna burst in at any moment.

"Does he know?"

She looked back over at me and nodded. "He was the first one to arrive... it was like he knew what happened."

"Can I go shower?"

"Yeah! Yeah, no ones stopping you." She smiled, trying to make the situation lighter. She handed me some clothes that my mom brought in.

I took it, and took a towel from the rack. I looked into the mirror in disgust. I was a mess. My hair was in knots, and I had dirt on me. It looked like someone tried to clean me up but ended up making it worse and smudging it everywhere. My cheek was sore and red. I don't understand how I was allowed to sleep in Maddy's bed.

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