Chapter 28

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I woke up to Hunter's peaceful face. I grinned at how cute he looked. I pecked his lips, his arms tightening around my waist.

My heart fluttered when his eyes opened. A smile graced his lips, a silly and loving look taking over his features. I entwined one of my hands with his, squeezing gently.

"Morning love." His deep, raspy voice spoke. My heart swelled and I was overwhelmed with an unknown feeling. A nice one.

"Morning." Our legs were intertwined, one of his arms still around my waist. I moved my hand to his bare chest and snuggled into him.

"You're too cute." I smiled up at him, his hands playing with the skin on my sides.

"Well so are you." I stuck my tongue out, kissing his shoulder afterwards.

"God last night was amazing." He ran a hand through his hair, laying back. "You were amazing." My cheeks reddened at the memory of most of last night.

Hunter was amazing last night. His tongue did wonders on my body, pleasuring me beyond belief. I can't believe it actually happened. I shivered with desire and chuckled when I saw he had a hard on. I straddled his waist, his erection rubbing against my most sensitive spot. A pleasure filled moan escaped our lips.

"We can alway give it another go." He murmured against my skin.


"I was wondering, since we're already here... do you wanna visit Rosalyn's parents?"

Hunters eyes widened in surprise, his mouth dropping slightly. "What?" He dropped the remote on the table.

"Well, yeah. I think it'd do you good and help you move on." I saw right away that he would say no, so I reached over and squeezed his hand. Before he could say anything, I looked into his eyes. "Please?"

He seemed unsure, as he thought over every possibility. "I guess." He scratched the back of his head.

"Great. I know this will help." I kissed his cheek and got up to grab my shoes. I grabbed my jacket and looked over to see Hunter waiting by the door.

We stopped by the reception to pay for our stay and give back the room key.

Starting the car, I followed the directions Hunter told me until we stopped in front of a house at the end of a street. It looked a bit like mine, only it was brick red instead. There was a car parked in the drive way. My curiosity peaked at the multiple police cars parked outside.

"What do you think is going on?" Hunter shrugged his shoulder at my question.

I followed behind him, walking up the pathway. There were a few police men standing outside talking to each other, when a guy about my age ran outside, followed by an older looking lady.

Both had tears running down their faces. "Hunter?" The lady asked, confusion on her face.

"Hi Amanda, Daniel." He waved at them, curiosity seeping into his voice.

"What are you doing here?" The guy, Daniel, asked rudely. He crossed his arms seeming angry all of a sudden. I stood behind the three, watching the scene go down.

Hunters body was tense, his fist clenching and unclenching. I put my hand on his arm and he immediately relaxed."I came to visit Felix and Isabel. Are they home?"

Daniels body tensed and the lady, Amanda, cried even harder.

"They're dead." My eyes widened in shock. How could Daniel just say something like this? I don't know his connection to them, but dropping something like this is too cold and harsh.

"What?" Hunter asked, his voice incredulous.

"They're bodies were just found. I came to visit them like always and this is what I'm met with. Myra's missing, while my brother and his wife are dead with the murderer missing." Amanda said, her shoulders shaking with each sob.

Just then a police man came over, wanting to ask them a few questions. I turned to face Hunter, now that we were left alone.

"What's going on?" I asked very confused and unsure about everyone's names and their connections.

"Felix and Isabel are Rosalyn's parents. If what they said is true, they've passed away. Daniel is Rosalyn's cousin and Amanda is his mom." I nodded now understanding the weeping lady and angry son.

"How come they don't know where Myra is?" She said she was staying with her aunt before right?
At least I think so.

He groaned and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't know." He looked around, his eyes meeting with Daniels. "I'll be right back."

"Alright." I turned around and walked towards the back of the house, wanting to see more of the house.

It must be horrible to lose both parents. I don't know how i would be able to cope with losing my mom. It'd kill me.

I guess I can kinda see why Myra is a little... off. But then why did she just disappear without warning anyone. Does she even know this happened?

I chewed on my bottom lip, noticing a swing set. I itched to go and sit down, but I held back and walked to the front of the house.

"There you are." Hunter walked over to me and kissed the top of my. "I told them where Myra is, you can head home first. I'll be riding with Daniel and Amanda."

I nervously took the keys unsure if I could drive back.

"I know you can do this, c'mon I'll meet you there." He pecked my lips before waiting to see if I'd agree or not.

"Fine." I pecked his lips, before walking back to the car. "See ya there!" I shouted.

I just pray I don't get lost. If anything I'm sure there's a gps.


"Shoot." I murmured under my breath when I noticed that all the parking spots were filled on the street. I continued driving searching for an empty spot.

I parked next to an empty black car. Locking the car, I stuffed the keys in my pocket to text Hunter a message. I had to park on the street over, but it's not that long of a walk. I took notice of all the parked cars and a white van that had a cable company logo.

The front door of the house opened and I hurried, walking past the van and house. I don't really want to walk into anyone right now. Running a hand through my long brown strands.

I turned around in surprise, noticing a hand wrapped firmly around my forearm. A scream escaped my lips as soon as I felt a cloth cover my eyes and mouth. My hands were held as someone tied the cloths.

Terror ran through my body as I desperately tried to fight back, against their hold. I struggled as they pushed me into a car. I was thrown into the back, and heard a click as they drove away. I tried to get up but fell to the ground, my head hitting the ground, leaving me in darkness.


Hi! Sorry I took so long to upload this short chapter but I already have the next one started. I just have to finish it and I'll publish it soon!

Anyways, I left it at a cliffhanger. Who do you think kidnapped her? Please answer that. I wanna know what you guys think.

Chapter dedicated to janiyalanges. Hope you like!

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