Chapter 3

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"Emily. What did I say about leaving your room a mess every morning?"

"Not to do it" I groan as she gives me a look that says "then go fix it".

"But I'm gonna be late!" I complain

"That's not an excuse when you just spent the last 20 minutes watching cartoons." I give her a sheepish smile and turn around to go make my bed.

It's not my fault i really like adventure time. I walk back to the door soon after.

"There I did it. Happy?" My mom nods and I kiss her cheek before grabbing my bag and leaving out the door.

I walk down the pathway to the sidewalk just in time to see Bryce step out his house.

"Hey Bryce!" I wave at him.

"Emily? Oh hey! Wait up!" he hurries up and catches up with me.

"I figured we might as well walk to school together today too." I nod and smile at him.

"Sorry I couldn't walk home with you yesterday." He apologizes and scratches the back of his head.

"It's fine. I made it home in one piece." Barely if it wasn't for Luke. I add in my mind. I noticed that we were a little past the half way point to school now.


"Which reminds me. I never got to ask you about your little outburst." I immediately blush thinking about yesterday's outburst.

"Yeah that's fine." I nodded my head and kept my face down.

"There you go looking down and hiding your face." He puts one of his fingers on my chin and makes me look up. By this point we've stopped walking and he's just stating into my eyes.

My eyes widen as I realize he's leaning in closer and closer. Oh my god.


HIs lips gently touch mine. The kiss is delicate. He gently moves his lips on mine as if savoring every nanosecond of it.

He pulls away and I'm just left staring at him in awe. Did I forget to mention that was my first kiss? I guess so.

"I'm sorry." My eyes widen when I realize he apologized. Oh no. Did he not like the kiss. I saw his cheeks were colored lightly pink and I bet mine were covered in a deep red blush.

"For what?"

"I kissed you without your permission."

"And I'm technically still in a relationship." My eyes widened the moment he said it. Oh goodness no. I don't want to be the reason they break up! he technically just cheated on Ana with me! I mean she's a bitch but they're still dating.

"Emily?" Bryce waved his hand in my face.

"You just cheated on her with me." I mumbled it barely audible.

"Yeah but we were gonna break up anyways. That's why she's been really clingy. Ana knows I want to break up but she doesn't want to."

"Yeah, but you guys are still dating now!" I started walking again. I was in a hurry to get to school so we go our separate ways.

"Besides it's not like she cheats on me all the time. I'm just glad I don't really like her and never did."

"Emily, please." He reached forward and grabbed my hand. Pulling me towards him he crushed me in a tight hug.

As much as I know this is wrong I can't stop my heart from beating loudly. I'm sure even Bryce can hear it.

"Bryce. Just let me go."

"Sorry no can do. I like you too much to just let you leave." My cheeks turned a dark shade of red at his little confession.

"Emily? is that you." We both snapped our gaze to where we heard this voice.


Hey! That's a photo of Maddy. Just like she wears glasses and usually has her hair up. I know the chapters really short but Ill just leave it there. I'll try to upload at least twice per week. Hope you like it!





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