Chapter 16

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Hunters POV

Sunlight peered in the through the window, and I groaned turning my head away. I'm still tired. I don't want to get up just yet.

I turned my body to the side, my arm wrapped around someone.

What time is it?

I finally opened my eyes, Emily the first thing I see. I smile and unconsciously pull her against me even more. She stirs in her sleep and snuggles in to me for warmth. She looks so cute sleeping. Her hairs a mess, her mouth is slightly open and there's even a little bit of drool.

At least it's a lot better than when we were children. Emily would drool so much and she even snored loudly.

I gave in to the temptation. I lightly kissed her soft pink lips. Resting my chin on her head, Emily fluttered her eyes open.

"Hunter?" Confusion was written on her face.

"Morning Emmy."

She scrunched her nose up. "Don't call me that." Emily's eyes widened as if realizing something important. She turned he face and murmured something.


"I said let go." Emily pointedly looked down at my arm wrapped around her waist, holding her in place.

I smiled sheepishly and slowly loosened my hold until I had completely let her go. "Oh." She laughed until she remembered why she wanted me to let go. Emily immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"What's wrong?" I asked loud enough for her to hear. Emily decided not to respond and she took her time in there.

I sat up and laid my back against the headboard of the bed. I folded my arms and laid my head against them. Sighing I took my shirt off. Finally, that's a lot better.

Emily's phone was on the bedside table and it started ringing like crazy. Messages after messages coming in. I fought against the urge, but my curiosity was to strong. I reached over and checked the screen. I couldn't see the actual messages but I could see who sent them.

She had some lost calls from Maddy, Ty, and Ariel. Some messages from Ty and Maddy. Most of the messages were from Bryce along with a few missed calls. I gently placed her phone back on the table. Of course Bryce messaged her. Jealously was strongly present inside me, reminding me that Emily was dating him. I wish they'd just break up. Bryce doesn't deserve Emily. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Bryce is a little dick for cheating on Emily with Ana.

When I moved back, I messaged Luke and he told me all about Emily and Bryce kissing while he was still dating Ana. I thought Emily was the other woman. I was upset. I couldn't stop thinking about how my childhood friend Emmy was going behind peoples back and making guys cheat. I immediately thought the worst of her and admittedly it was my mistake. I insulted her in many way and I'm ashamed of that. I should've known Emmy wouldn't do that.

What's taking her so long? I decided to grab my phone and send Ty and Luke a message saying Emmy was home and safe with me.

They responded quickly saying they were worried and glad she's back home safe. I put my phone in my pocket and laid my head back down. I closed my eyes, a smile on my face.

I heard the door open and pretended not to hear it. I tensed when I felt Emmy stand next to me, as she lightly trailed her finger up my chest. "Aren't you getting up?" I opened my eyes to see Emily grinning mischievously as she stood next to me.

"Why'd you get up in such a hurry?" I asked her.

"Morning breath." Emily turned around on her spot, but before she could walk away, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She yelped and reached to hold on to the bed and my arm. "What're ya doing!" Emmy shrieked.

I bent over and turned our bodies over, so I was hovering above her. Emily took a sharp intake of breath, and a light rose color painted her cheeks. "W-what are y-you d-doing?" She whispered, her minty breath fanning my face.

"Nothing." I smiled mischievously at how nervous I made her. I quickly got off her and put my shirt on.

Emily stopped me from putting on my shirt. I turned frowning slightly. I was about to ask her why she stopped me when she beat me to it. "How'd you get this scar?"

"What scar?" I played dumb hoping she wouldn't dwell further in to it.

"This one." I shivered as she ran her cold finger along my back. I sighed thinking of what to tell her. Should I tell her or keep it a secret?

"I was in an accident. I wrecked my car because of it." Emily walked around and stood in front of me. I could tell she knew I wasn't saying the whole thing. She had that knowing look in her eyes. Fortunately she didn't ask further.

"Let's go have breakfast."


Emily's POV

"Your turn, just remember what I told you." Once again I attempted to juggle the ball and took the ball from Hunter.

I took a deep breath in. Okay I can do this. I started to juggle the ball and so far so good. Hunter congratulated me and I grinned. I kicked the soccer ball too hard and it shot up, hitting me in the face.

I groaned in pain and rubbed my face. "That's the third time it's happened!" Hunters laughter exploded and I stopped withering in pain to look at him. The sun shined perfectly on him as his face held a big bright smile. His cheerful laughter was all I heard, and I couldn't help but chuckle too. Hunters laughter died down and I left a grin on my face.

"I've had enough, want some sandwiches?" I asked him and he nodded. He stayed on the front lawn, practicing some moved as I went in to the kitchen.

I grabbed the wrapped sandwiches and two fruit punch soda cans. I walked back out and a smile grew on my face as I saw Hunter focused on the move he was practicing. I admired the way his body moved, how he was so focused, how he only wore a tank top and how good looking he was. He looked up as if sensing me watching him and he grinned my way. I smiled and a single thought came to mind.

I like this boy and I stopped liking Bryce the moment Hunter came back into my life... maybe even before that. I just thought I liked Bryce. I liked the idea of having a boyfriend and it being Bryce. I liked the idea of liking someone. Even a jerk like Bryce.

Why has it taken me this long to realize it?


Hey! Whoops I almost forgot to update today. Hope you like!

Don't forget to,





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