Chapter 18

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I got out of the car excited for this afternoon. Saturdays are a great day on their own, but hanging out with your friends is a big plus.

Especially when you're gonna do something special.

Like confess to your crush.

Hunter walked next to me and made sure my moms car was locked. I bothered her into letting us take her car so we could come to the movies.

I waved at Maddy, who was standing by the entrance with Eric and Luke. We decided to come see Hunger Games: Mocking Jay part 1.

"What's taking Ty and Ariel so long to get here?" Maddy asked me. I shrugged as we neared them.

"I haven't talked to him since yesterday." Maddy nodded and we ended up milling about, waiting for the two to show up.

A car pulled up and Tyler, Ariel and a little boy stepped out. Ariel was driving the car since Ty can't drive. He keeps saying he doesn't want to drive or even learn because they lead to accidents and death.

"Eric!" The little 5 year old ran up to Eric and crashed into him.

Eric laughed and ruffled the little boys hair. "Seb! I didn't know you were coming."

"Mom made Ariel take me." He grinned smugly at Ariel. "I wanna see Big Hero 6!" Maddy checked the time on her watch before looking over at Seb.

"We might just have to do that, Hunger Games already started." She told everyone.

"I'm so sorry guys! He wasn't gonna come but my mom forced me to take him and he was a mess and I had to change him, but them my car wo-" Hunter interrupted Ariel's ramblings.

"It's fine, I don't mind Big Hero 6." He smiled at Ariel and there was a chorus of agreements. Ariel seemed to relax before smiling and pecking Eric on the lips.

"You guys are the best."


Seb was excitedly talking about the movie to Luke as we walked to a pizzeria close by. Eric and Ariel held hands talking between themselves, as if forgetting we were here.

Maddy and Ty were playfully pushing each other lightly and laughing. I smiled at how cute they look. I'm so glad they're together.

"Know what you wanna order?" Hunter asked me. I turned to look at him as his smiling face stared at mine.

I bit my lip and nodded as his eyes wandered down to my lip. "I think so."

He smirked before placing his hands on my waist. "Oh do you now?" Hunter whispered as he placed his forehead on mine. Our faces just inches apart. He moved away and grinned as a blush spread across my cheeks. I slapped his arm and we continued to walk with the rest.

Maddy walked away from Ty and pulled me away from Hunter. "What was that?" She asked in a sing-song voice with an excited smile on her face. "Oh! You're still blushing!" I hushed her shriek and shook my head, keeping my laughter in.

"It was just Hunter playin around like always."

Maddy snorted before responding, "He sure as he'll doesn't play around like that with anyone but you." I raised an eyebrow questioning her response.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen him do that with any girl he brings home." Maddy rolled her eyes and I stuck my tongue out.

"Stop-" Maddy was interrupted.

"You guys comin?!" We looked up to see Ty holding the door to the pizzeria. We nodded and hurried to go in after them. I thanked Ty for holding the door.

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