Chapter 37

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"Dad?" I asked slowly getting over the shock. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you and Margaret. I've missed y-"

"Aren't you missing precious time with katy? You know the chick that you left me and mom for?" I didn't care if he got angry. He had no right to be here. He left us for her. He told us he didn't even love us!

He can't just come back one day claiming to miss us.

"Her names Kathy and she's perfectly fine being left on her own." His jaw was clenched tightly. Seems like I hit a nerve. " I just came to see how you two were doing. I was worried about you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "It took you fi-six years?"

"I've talked to your mom plenty of times and I've sent checks."

"Well, I don't want you here. Goodbye." I closed the door and turned to face Hunter.

Suddenly realizing that I was griping his had tightly, I let go. He held my hand before I could pull it away and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I took a deep breath, loving his comforting smell. I closed my eyes and held on to him, fearing that if I let go he'd leave me like my father did.

I looked up at Hunter. "Do you think I should've let him in?" I asked Hunter.

"Not so easily. I think you handled it pretty well."

I smiled gratefully and kissed him. It was a slow and gentle kiss, but it was what I needed at the moment. He pulled away and bit his bottom lip.

"So the movie?" I asked with a big grin on my face.

"Oh yeah, C'mon let's go." His arm slipped from around my back and trailed down to my hand.

I followed him into the living room. I waited for him to sit down before plopping down next to him. I moved up against him until i was comfortable and let my head drop on his shoulders.

He reached for the control, pressing play on the movie.

Half way through the movie I heard a light snoring. I smiled and put down my ice cream before carefully turning to look at Hunter. My attention was completely on him and off of Sophie finding young Howl.

There was a splotch of drying ice cream by his lips. His eyelashes curved up at the ends and his hair was longer than before, curling at the tips. His deep even breaths were a calming sound, blocking out the movie completely. His skin was much more tan than before.

I moved slightly so he'd be in a much better position. He breathed in deeply before his eyes opened and stared back at me. A smile grew on his face as he looked me over. I just stared into his eyes wondering what he was thinking.

He's so perfect.


"Emily, your father called again. He wants to talk with you." I looked at my mom, dreading this topic.

"I don't."

"Emily." She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "Just give him a chance. I know he hurt us but I've moved on."

I looked down at my hands, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "I'll do it when I'm ready."

I looked back up at her and she nodded slowly before walking out of my room. I sighed and walked down the steps after her.

"Can I take a walk?" She nodded.

"I'll be back in a few." I quickly grabbed a blue sweater and walked out.

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