Chapter 17

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Maddy's POV

I couldn't help but gasp as I saw Hunter and Emily walking to school together and actually talking and lookin like they were having a nice time.

Scratch that. Amazing time.

Hunter had been taking his motorcycle, leaving Em to walk to school alone with Bryce. I wonder why they didn't come together.

Emily saw me watching them and drifted a bit further from Hunter. He seemed to notice but didn't question it.

Those two obviously have a crush on each other. Although I can't say anything, since Tyler and me were just like that.

I looked over at him and smiled. It was almost like he knew I looked at him. Like he felt my stare. He brought his hand up and saluted me with a smile on him face. Eric noticed he stopped paying attention to him and looked to see the cause.


"You guys are so cute!" Ariel giggle next to me and I elbowed her side.

"Shut up, you and Eric are worse." I shook my head and kept my laughter in.

"Hey guys." I looked over to see Emily smiling at us as she walked away from Hunter, who was heading to the guys.

"Hi." Ariel said giving Em a hug. Emily walked over to me and I squeezed her tightly before pulling back and wiggling my eyebrows.

"So? You gonna tell us something?" I questioned, and a blush blossomed on her face.

Em furiously shook her head. "Nope!" I laughed loudly and checked the time on my phone.

"Is it almost time?" Ariel asked. I nodded my head and the three of us walked into the school. Hunter, Luke, Ty and Eric stayed outside. We have a few minutes before the bell rings.

"Did you know that we had to finish the packet for history yesterday?" I asked the two girls to my right. Ariel nodded her head and Emily gasp, bringing her hand to her face.

"I forgot!" Emily groaned and quickly turned to face me. "Can I copy the last two pages before second period?"

I pretend to think about whether or not I was going to let her. Of course I was. She's my best friend.

"Alright fine." Just as I answered we had reached our lockers. I walked over to mine and they separated to go to their own.

A red rose was taped to the door of my locker and I giggled. Oh Ty. He's such a great guy. I'm glad he stopped sleeping with any girl that so much as looked his way. Well, I would've corned him... eventually. I took the rose of my locker and sniffed it. Someone's hands gripped my waist and I turned to face him.

Tyler smiled down at me, his dark brown orbs dancing with joy. I trailed my finger down his tan cheek and he leaned closer to kiss me. His lips barely touched mine before the bell rang. We groaned pulling away.

"Thanks for the rose." I smiled at him and he smirked back.

"A beautiful flower, for a beautiful lady."

I scoffed before responding. "That's not gonna work on me like all the other girls." Tyler raised an eyebrow before laughing.

"Bye!" I told him before running off to first period.


Emily's POV







I've officially had enough. Bryce has been bothering me all day, trying to talk to me. I broke up with him on my way to first period. I didn't give him a reason ms said nothing but "I'm breaking up with you." He thought I was joking at first but later on noticed I was serious.

I put my head down on the lunch table and sighed exhaustedly. I could feel Bryce's eyes on me, watching my every move and waiting for me to turn around.

"What's wrong? Do you have a headache?" I turned and stared into Hunter's hazel eyes as he looked down at me worriedly. He was eating the mozzarella sticks on his plate as everyone else was arguing over a movie.

"No, I'm just tired." Hunter nodded and ruffled my hair.

Does he like me? Or am I just like a little sister to him.

His hand was left by my head as he played with a strand of my hair. I guess he doesn't even realize he's doing this. Hunter was facing Eric as they talked about this weekend. We all decided to go to the movies as a group but we couldn't decide on what movie.

I sat up straight and held Hunters hand in mine as I played with his fingers. I traced over the lines on his palm and turned his hand over. He has a scar on his hand too? How bad was this accident.

I brought his hand up to my face and kissed the scar. I looked up to see Maddy staring at me with wide eyes, before she smirked. I motioned her to go to the bathroom with me.

Shoot. I wasn't expecting anyone to see me doing that.

"So, still got nothing to say?" I groaned as I heard the amusement in her voice.

"I broke up with Bryce this morning."

"Really!? Why? I thought you liked him? Did he do something to you! I will castrate him and I'm sure the guys will come along." I laughed as Maddy continued to rant.

"I'm just over him. I guess I have been for a while now." I sighed before continuing. "I also saw him hooking up with Ana at the party."

Maddy gasped and anger flared in her eyes. "That little shit."

"Yeah, but he doesn't know I know." Maddy nodded, slowly calming herself down.

"Hooking up like kissing, or..." she trailed off.

"Like getting it on." I finished for her. Her mouth made an 'O' shape as she processed this.

"I like Hunter, but do you think he likes me to?"

"I knew it! And of course he does. Why wouldn't he?" I smiled hopeful at Maddy's words.

"You should tell him." I bit my lip, unsure if I could do what Maddy was telling me to do. "As soon as you think you can." She added.

"I knew I liked him Saturday." I confessed.

"That was three days ago! Why am I just finding out?" She questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders, a weary smile on my face.

"I forgot?"

Hi there. This chapter is dedicated to halooty21 for being the first to comment and always voting!

So this is kind of a filler chapter before things really pick up on the next chapter. Anyways I'm still gonna update on Monday too.

Don't forget to,





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