Chapter 7

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Hmmm... Chocolate or vanilla.

They're both good. But which one is better. My hand reached out and grabbed a box as I made my decision.

"Vanilla it is." I smiled to myself happily before walking over to the cashier.

Today's aunt Jessica's birthday and I made her chocolate cake with vanilla icing. Well the chocolate cake is done. I just had to come by the market and by vanilla icing since I hadn't realized we had none. Aunt Jessica is supposed to be home at 5 in the afternoon and so far it's almost 4.

I left my mom in charge of watching the cake and Tyler's going to come over soon.
Hunter was also at my house when I woke up. Which is weird. He was sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of MY cereal. I shrugged it off and sat across from him, eating my own bowl of cereal.

I was next so I put the icing on the counter thing that moves everything towards the cashier.

"Hi Chris." I smiled at Chris, the cute cashier.

"Hey Em, just the icing?"

"Yeah I'm making a cake!" He chuckled at how excited I sound.

"It's probably delicious like all the other cakes you've made." I blushed a bit at the comment.

"Why thank you kind sir." He nodded, a smile on his face as he swiped the icing.

"That'll be $2.57, can you save me a piece?" His voice pleading.

"Alright. I'll bring it by later." I slightly shook my head and handed him a 5 dollar bill.

"Thanks come again." I took the bag and began my walk home.


"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jessica, happy birthday to you!" We all clapped as aunt Jessica blew out the candles.

I looked around the room smiling. My mom was taking pictures. Tyler was standing to my right clapping and Hunter to my left. Luke ended up coming over and he was standing to Hunter's left. We were all gathered in the kitchen, around the table. The cake was set in the middle of the table aunt Jessica on one side and us on the Other.

"Did you make your wish?" My mom asked.

"Yup. But I'm not telling so don't bother asking."

"Damn." My mom played along, looking disappointed.

Aunt Jessica began cutting the cake and my mom passed her the plates.

"She's not gonna bite it? I wanted to push her face in!" I smacked Hunters arm and his mom scoffed.

"You mean like I did to you on your birthday." She gave him a smug look causing him to look down in embarrassment.

"Thanks for today guys. The surprise and the gifts. The cake is delicious Emily." Aunt Jessica told everyone. I nodded my head when my name was mentioned.

"Oh! That reminds me! I promised Chris a slice of cake. Wanna come with?" I asked Tyler and he nodded.

We excused ourselves and I took a big slice of cake for Chris. He's always so kind and helpful. The walk to the market was short and full of our playful chatter.

"Chris!" I shouted the moment I saw him. His head snapped to our direction and a grin broke out on his face.

"You came!" He exclaimed excitedly. He excused himself from the person he was talking to and rushed over. He can be so childish even though he's in college. Chris and Tyler shared a handshake that they've come up with this past year.

"Of course. I told you I'd bring you a slice. Here ya go." I handed the slice of cake over to him and his eyes brightened.

"Yum. Can't wait to eat it. I gotta go back to work now, thanks for the cake. Bye guys!" we waved goodbye and walked back to my house.

"I'm gonna head home, today was fun." Tyler announced, breaking the silence.

"Yeah it was. "

"Bye Em. See ya at school." He pulled me in for a hug and walked away.

I walked up to my door and entered my house. Luke's not here anymore? But Hunter and aunt Jessica are. I thought they'd be home by now.

"Hi, watcha watching?" I asked Hunter. He looked over to me as I sat down next to him. My mom and aunt Jessica could be heard from the kitchen.

"Spongebob." Oh cool. I looked back at the tv just as Spongebob came back on.

"Guys I'm gonna sleep early, good night." I nodded my head muttering good night, my attention of Spongebob annoying Squidward. Wait what. Aunt Jessica said good night and went upstairs? Come to think of it I woke up this morning and Hunter was here eating breakfast.

"Are you guys living with us?" I asked Hunter.

"Yeah, I'm in the room across from you." I nodded my head.

"So, you're over Bryce and now you're onto Tyler and this Chris guy? Wow, you move fast. Or are you fooling around with all three of them." Hunter looked deep in thought.

"Why do you think I'm such a whore?" I asked him trying to understand his thoughts.

"Oh i don't know, maybe because you go around kissing and hugging them."

"I don't go around kissing anyone! And the hugs are in a friendly way. I've only hugged Tyler who like a brother to me!" I frustratedly responded to him, throwing my hands in the air towards the end.

"You go kissing Bryce!"

"Because I like him. And I thought he liked me!" But obviously I was wrong, I finished in my head.

"He has a girlfriend!" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You think I don't know that!" I angrily stood up and walked away heading to my room.

I'll just go take a nice relaxing hot shower and calm down.

How does he even know this! He wasn't here when me and Bryce kissed. And they broke up just to get together again.

Whatever. I don't need this.


Anyways, now that I have said that, hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget to,





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