Chapter 4

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"Emily? is that you?" We both snapped our gaze to where we heard the voice.

"Luke?"(A.N. I CHANGED CHRIS'S NAME TO LUKE) I immediately jump away from Bryce the moment I feel his hold loosen.

"Yeah! You remembered my name!" He looked really happy and cheerful that I did. Aww he's so cute with his lopsided grin.

"Well you did save me." He grins and moves closer to me.

"Let's walk?" I nod my head and he joins Bryce and I on our walk to school.

"What school do you go to?" I ask him. I notice Bryce hasn't spoken or even acknowledged Luke's presence.

"Oh I transferred to a school that's this way. Yesterday I went to familiarize myself with the school so I wouldn't be lost today. kinda why i could help you out." Luke scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Well I'm glad you happened to be there." We walked in silence until we reached the school.

"This is my new school." Luke told me as i watched Bryce walk away without saying goodbye.

"Really? This is my school!" Luke's face brightened immediately.

"Great! can I hang around you?" I nod my head. Of course he can. I have no problem with that whatsoever.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?" I freeze the moment I hear his question.

"Who?" I try to play stupid but he just gives me this knowing look.

"Ugh, fine. No he isn't."

"Really? Even though It looked like you guys were gonna kiss." I blushed thinking back to that moment.

"Yeah I'm sure." Luke looked at me hopefully with this new piece of information.

"Morning Maddy!" I yelled loudly in her ear. She shrieked and waved an arm in the air hitting Eric in the process.

"Hey! watch it!" Eric rubbed his head pouting slightly. Ariel cooed and kiss his head.

"Feel better now?" Ariel asked him.

"Definitely." Eric winked at Ariel and she blushed. Aww shes so cute! she's so innocent!

"Oh! Guys this is Luke. Luke these are my friends."

"Hi Luke! I'm Maddy!" Maddy excitedly pulled him in for a hug. He smiled nervously at her.

"Hi, I'm Ariel." Ariel's shy voice was quiet and Eric put his arm on her shoulder.

"I'm Eric, Ariel's boyfriend." Oh Eric. It's not like she's going to leave you for Luke.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Huh where's Tyler?" I asked them and they shrugged.

"Oh! Actually I think he's with that chick from yesterday. What's her name Sandra? Sarah?" Eric told me trying to remember her name.

"Alrighty then. Hey what class do you have first?" I turned to look questioningly at Luke.

"Oh. Uh it says digital design."

"That's my favorite class!" I exclaim excitedly.

"You have it first too?"

"No I have it second. I have gym first with Maddy. I think Tyler has that class."

"No I have it first." Ariel spoke and we turned to look at her.

"Well I guess you won't be alone." Maddy stated slapping his shoulder.

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