Chapter 26

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Emily's POV

I'm so worried for Maddy. She just zones out sometimes and gets this sad, depressed look. I nervously bit my bottom lip. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

Someone's cold hand reached over to hold mine. I immediately opened my eyes only to see Ty sitting next to me.

"Ty." My eyes watered and I locked my jaw.

"What's wrong? Don't cry." Tyler reached over and pushed a strand of hair back.

"Oh Ty, I've missed you so much. Everyone has."

"But I'm right here, I've always been." He squeezed my hand and then inched slowly away until he was at the edge of my bed.

"Ty, Maddy's so... she's so..." I paused thinking of the right word.

"I know, and I know Luke still likes her and I'm fine with it." He stood up and turned away from me.

I stood up and walked after him. Grabbing his shoulder I turned him around to see his unfocused, lifeless eyes, a bruise on his forehead and chin, and cuts covering his face and body.

"Ty?" The walls of my bedroom around us started to melt away until it was just me and Ty's lifeless body. The color on the walls slowly melted away until we were left standing in a plain, empty white room.

My timid, shaky hand reached out to poke him. Tyler's body crumpled up and fell to the floor in ashes. I gasped, tears coming to my eyes as I stepped back and away from the ashes, only now the walls were closing in.

I jolted awake, my hair sticking to my face. I was panting heavily and sweating profoundly. Checking the time I groaned, when I realized it was only 4 in the morning.

I stood up and grabbed a towel, walking in to the bathroom. I looked at myself in disgust as I turned on the hot water.

Stripping, I dropped my clothes on the ground and stepped in to the steaming shower. I sighed in content as I felt my muscles relax and the sweat wash away.

I thought I was fine now.

Why'd the bad dreams have to come back? I've already accepted that Ty's gone. I've already moved on. Well, tried to move on. Obviously it didn't work.

I angrily washed the soap off my hair. I turned the water off and stepped out, drying myself with my fluffy towel.

I'll be able to move on eventually. If this is me, I wonder how bad Maddy has it. Sighing I opened the door and stepped out into the cold air of the halls. I gasped in surprise to see Hunter leaning against the wall. I nervously pulled on the hem of my shirt and dried my hair with my towel.

Hunter pushed himself off the wall when he noticed me come out.

"Are they back?" I bit my bottom lip and slowly nodded.

"It's not as bad as before." He hugged me and pecked my lips.

"C'mon, we still have two hours to sleep." I held his hand as I followed Hunter into his room.

I patted my hair dry once more, before discarding it on the chair next to his desk. I climbed into the bed after him. A smile graced my lips as I saw that his shirt was off. I laid next to him and caressed his cheek, running my hands through his hair.

I nervously bit my lip before deciding to take charge. I climbed over him, straddling his waist. Hunters eyes widened in shock before he smiled. I let my bottom lip go, as I bent down and finally kissed those sweet lips. I ran my hands through his chocolate brown hair, as he played with the hem of my shirt. His arms encircled my waist, before gripping my ass. I squealed in surprise, and tugged on his bottom lip. He made a small moan in the back of his throat that drove me crazy.

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