Chapter 14

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I put my elbow on the lunch table, resting my head on my hand. I poked at the lasagna that the students were expected to eat. At least I think it's lasagna.

"Are you going to the party?"

"What party?" I asked Maddy, confused about the party.

She pushed the plate of lasagna away and decided to stick with her bottle of water. "You know the party everyone's going to. It's at Daryl's house." One of Bryce's friends.

"Everyone's going?"

"Yup. Why? Aren't you coming?" Ty questioned, sitting down next to Maddy. He moved from his spot across the table to sit next to Maddy. That's cute.

"I didn't know there was a party today."

"You were invited." Maddy flicked Ty's nose the moment he said that and I just rolled my eyes.

"I just told her that." Maddy told him, turning slightly to face him.

Ty stuck his tongue out playfully before muttering, "Oh well too bad."

"So are you going?" Eric asked, looking away from Ariel.

"I guess yeah."

"Great! Me and Ariel are coming to your house later to get you ready. Knowing you, you'll go in sweats and one of Bryce's shirts." Maddy told me before smiling as Ty chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "No I wouldn't. I don't have any of his shirts." I tried to defend myself. After the date to the carnival last week we went on another date to dinner at a border line fancy restaurant. Boy, was it awkward.

"You would if you could." I hushed Ty and he just made a face making me smile.

"Point is we're coming over. We can walk home together! I hope Bryce doesn't mind losing alone time."

"Sure that's fine. He'll have to deal with it." I looked over to where he was seated. His table was full, and it seems like they're starting to use a second one too. Ana was seated next to him and she was talking to him.

I wonder what they're talking about. I sat with him and his friends a few days earlier this week but I missed my friends. Also they all seemed to find me sitting there a little awkward. Ana kept rubbing in my face that she fit in more than me. Oh well. Bryce is dating me, and that's all I want.

"Bryce is going to the party too." Luke spoke after watching everyone make their inputs and me look over at Bryce.

"Really?" He hasn't told me about the party. Hasn't mentioned it, not once. I'll go and it'll be a surprise. I smiled at that thought. I hope he likes seeing me their. Dressed up for him.

"Yeah, haven't you heard other people talking about it?" I shook my head no to respond to Luke's question.

The bell rang and we all stood up, heading to class.


"Found you!" I shrieked as Maddy practically jumped on top of me. Tyler laughed walking up to us.

"Don't kill her.. at least not yet." I scoffed and he winked my way. Maddy rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out.

"I wasn't trying to." I looked around trying to find Ariel, with her red hair. I spotted her and Eric standing close to each other. They held hands and she looked up at him before they inched closer and kissed goodbye.

"Hey guys." Bryce gave a little wave as he joined us with Luke and Hunter. Huh, I didn't see Hunter at lunch today. I wonder where he was at.

"Hey." I smile at them and Bryce walked over giving me a hug.

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