Chapter 10

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I turned in my seat and stretched. We have a substitute for photography today so we were sent to another classroom.

"Are we going to do the two shot with you or Ty?" Ariel asked me. She moved closer to Eric, and grabbed his hand. He gently squeezed her hand before kissing her cheek. They are so cute together.

"Oh um.. Ty, I'll work with the lights and go next time." This way Maddy and Ty will have to shoot together. Sure they're talking now but it's still really awkward. Maybe this will help them.

"Just don't tell Maddy." I mentioned quickly.

"Why?" Eric asked.

"It's a surprise." I told them and he shrugged and went back to whispering things in Ariel's ear.

"Stop it." She told Eric, her face tuning red.

"You know you like it." I heard him murmur. I shouldn't be hearing this.

"Not in school!"

I blocked them out and went back to laying my head on the table. This is the one class I have with all my friends except for Luke. Hunter and Bryce have this class too but only Hunters in our group, while Bryce is in another. Luke ended up having lunch this period.

Now I just have to figure out what they'll do. Oh! It could be like a couples love shot. Yeah... then they'll have to be lovey dovey with each other.

I hope Maddy doesn't get mad.

"What's wrong?" Bryce asked me.

"Nothing, I'm just bored."

"Oh. I can't do anything for you there, since I'm bored too." Every time we talk things just get really awkward. I still like him, yeah but it not the same I guess. Maybe it's cause he told me he liked me and then he goes out with Ana. Or I'm just starting to get over him after a long time.

"Where's Maddy?"

"She skipped class. I probably should've gone with her but we both know I'm a wuss."

"No you're just a goody-too-shoes."

"Oh gee thanks. I'm so honored." I rolled my eyes and Bryce laughed.

"You should be, it's what makes you, you." He smiled at me and the bell rang.


I sighed as I walked back home. Hunter no longer walks with me since he's got his motorcycle now, and Bryce had a student council meeting. Luke decided to walk Maddy home so here I was alone.

Hunters motorcycle was parked outside and my moms car wasn't there. I guess she was called in for work. Jessica must be at work too. Great an afternoon alone with Hunter. What more could i ask for.

Note the sarcasm.

I walked in to my house, taking my bag off and holding the strap. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

I hung my keys on the wall and walked up the stairs to my room. Reaching my room I turned the knob. Right before I went in, I looked behind me and into Hunters room. He walked out that exact moment... without a shirt on. Oh dear god. Look at that body.

"I didn't hear you come in." Hunter told me, looking rather surprised. I tried to tear my eyes away from his glorious body.

I tried.


But it couldn't be done.

So their we were, standing in the hallway, with my eyes glued to his fabulous and muscular, and Hunter waiting for me to respond.

"Oh uh... I saw your... m-motorcycle outside." My cheeks turned red as I noticed him smirk and realize what's wrong.

"Like what you see?" Hunter asked, stepping closer to me. My heart beat sped up and I nervously bit my lip. My hand let go off my bag, letting it drop to the floor.

"What's there to see?"

"Oh you know... this." He smugly pointed to his body.

"Haven't you seen a guys body already?"

"No." I whispered.

His body was now pushed up against mine and he skimmed his nose over my neck. His lips began placing little butterfly kisses up my neck leading to my ear.

"I guess mine is the first guy body you'll see." He whispered, his lips moving against my ear.

He moved back down to my neck, trailing kisses. He reached one spot causing me to let out a small moan. My cheeks reddened in embarrassment. He sucked on my neck, and I squirmed underneath him. He chuckled and moved his face up to mine. Our breaths coming out raggedly.

"That moan was cute." He whispered, his voice husky and eyes dark with lust. He stared in to my eyes, moving his face closer to mine. My eyes closed once his face was close enough. My heart was beating ferociously, like it could jump out any second now. His lips lightly grazed against mine before I felt him quickly move away.

"I'm going out." He told me before grabbing a shirt and leaving. I heard the roar of his motorcycle as he sped off.

I stayed rooted in my spot. I closed my eyes and slid down my door. I sat on the floor, touching my lips and left wondering.

What just happened.


Sorry it's so short. I didn't know what else to write. It's really awkward... like me.

Please read my other, and probably better written story "Before Midnight" which I continued to write on chapter 8. I had it on hold for like two? Maybe one year. When I started writing again, I had gotten better at writing. Please give it a chance. It gets a lot better on chapter 8 and up. Thanks

Don't forget to,





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