Chapter 27

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I stuck my tongue and made a stupid face.

"I hope it freezes that way."

"Mom!" I quickly stopped, making her laugh.

She slapped my elbow before walking back to the kitchen. "I'm kidding!" She yelled back.

"I hope so." I muttered and dropped my bag in the hall.

Plopping down on the couch, I pulled the blankie until I was comfortably tucked under it. I laid my head down and turned the tv on, flicking through the channels and stopping on an old episode of Supernatural. Unconsciously my eyes drifted closed.

"Wakey, wakey." Groaning I pushed the face away. "C'mon Emmy. I got something planned for us."

I slowly opened my eyes, staring directly into his hazel eyes.

"Hi Hunty." I winked at him, knowing already that I had failed miserably. Hunter chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Let's go, if we wanna be there on time we gotta leave now." He stood up straight, and I uncovered myself from my blankie, sitting up.

"Go where?"

Hunter smiled mischievously. "You'll see." I warily stood up and slipped on my converse and hoodie.

"It's about an hour drive."

"Where are we going?" I asked giving him an incredulous look.

"A town close by." I bit my lip and nodded my head, following him into the car. Turning on the radio we left it at the random station my mom had it on.

"Are we gonna be back before dark?" I asked him when I noticed the time was 4:36. He nodded and nervously tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove us to our destination.


"This town is so pretty!" I looked out the window, watching the little shops and people move by.

"Haven't you traveled to this town already?" Hunter stopped at a stop light, letting me watch a girl walk her husky. "It's actually a lot closer than the others."

"No, I haven't been out of our town at all." The radio was left on a random station, playing pop songs. "I've been on the outskirts but I haven't actually stepped out."

Hunter unexpectedly brought up a taboo subject. "Don't you visit your dad?" I immediately froze at the mention of my dad. What made Hunter bring him up, after so long. I know he knows what happened. My mom spoke to his countless times about it over the phone.

I slowly turned to face him, but he was looking at the road. "No why would I? He left us." I responded, my words cold and sharp.

"Sorry, sorry. I won't bring him up again." He apologized.

"No it's fine. I need to learn to get over what he did."

I wrapped my arms around my body and stared out the window. Damn it. I hate to think about him. I even used my moms last name instead of his once he left. I went from Emily Jacobs to Emily Sanchez. We were so happy. I don't know what happened to change that. All I know is that he was waiting for my mom and I to get home from the park, in the corridor with his bags already packed. I was only twelve and he out right told us that he didn't love us and was leaving us for some whore name Kathy.

My mom suffered so much and had to take up two jobs. Although at least now she only has one job and it's not that hard on her. I offered to also get a job, but she was completely against it. I know she's dated a few guys every now and then but she's never actually introduced one to me.

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