Chapter 19

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Hunter moved back, separating himself from her. His eyes were wide with shock as he stared down at the short, petite girl.

"Myra?" He asked confused.

"Hunter why'd you leave!" The girl exclaimed, annoyance in her voice. She punched Hunter's arm and he cringed, rubbing the spot.

"How you find me?"

"It wasn't easy, but I have my ways." Her giggle filled the silence.

Hunter turned his attention to me and realized he had to introduce us. "Myra, meet Emily. Emmy meet Myra."

Myra turned around, seeming to have just noticed I was there. "Oh hi!" She stuck her hand out and I shook it murmuring a hi back.

Hunter walked around Myra, and closer to me. I can't believe it. Just as I decide to tell him I get interrupted by one of his flings. I bit my lip to keep myself from blurting this out. Hunter placed his hand on the small of my back as he pulled me a bit closer to him.

Myra noticed this and her eyes moved between me, Hunter, and his hand before her eyes narrowed at me. Oh great now she sees me as an enemy. I looked up at Hunter and he was smiling down at me. He's not making this situation any better.

"When'd you two meet?" Myra asked me, tilting her head slightly to the side, letting we hair cascade down.

"Best friends since we were babies, until he moved away." I playfully glared at Hunter making him laugh.

"But I'm back now." He added.

"What about you two?" I asked Myra and she grinned.

"The moment he moved into the new house down the road. He was so awkward then." She straightened back up and winked at Hunter.

Hunter grabbed my wrist and tugged slightly. "We should get going now." I nodded and took the cart, making my way back.

I pushed the car into line with the rest of the others at the front of the market. Walking back to my moms car, I slowed down as I saw Myra all over Hunter. Her hand running up and down his. He pushed her away slightly and moved back. They seem to be having an argument.

Isn't he happy she came all this way to see him? Anyone else would be.

"You can't escape this." Myra exclaimed, her voice urgent and outraged.

Hunter scoffed and shook his head. "It's in the past."

Myra stepped closer to him and jabbed him with her finger. "You did it. You're the reason s-" Hunter shushed her as soon as he spotted me near them.

She looked at me then back at him with an incredulous look. "She doesn't know?!" Myra whisper-yelled at him.

"We gotta go." Hunter motioned for me to get in the car as he tossed me the keys.

"It was nice meeting you." I told Myra. She nodded her head absentmindedly.

Getting in the car, we drove away in silence. After a while the curiosity got the best of me and I opened my mouth. "What were you guys arguing about?"

Hunter tensed before he laid back in the seat. "She just brought something up that I want to forget." The truth behind his voice let her know not to ask any further.

"You know you can tell me right? I'm here if you want to talk." I told him and placed my hand on top of his, squeezing gently.

Hunter didn't reply, but only nodded slowly. I brought my hand back to the steering wheel.

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