Chapter 31

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I shoved Hunter behind me and ran for the door, hoping he didn't get there before me. I touched the door knob and I smiled smugly, turning around to face him.

"It doesn't count!" He yelled, as he calmly walked over to me. "You shoved me and, as you can see-" his eyebrow rose up, "I'm walking." A smile reached his lips and he pulled the keys out of his pocket.

"That was your choice!" I shouted back.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I know." He turned and licked my cheek before running in to the house.

"Ewww!" I scrunched my face up in disgust and wiped it off. "Damn it Hunter!"

His laughter was heard from upstairs and I shook my head, enjoying his playful attitude. I walked into the kitchen and served myself a cup of nice cold water.

I walked carefully back into the living room and sat down, cross legged. I abandoned my bag in the hallway like always. That's a habit I have to get out of.

Hunter walked over and plopped down next to me. I raised my legs and dropped them on his. I yawned and stretched. I've been so tired lately, especially with having to go down to the station because of Chris.

My mind went back to what happened that day and decided to bring the topic up, even though Hunter didn't seem to believe me. "I was telling the truth about Myra being there." When he heard me tell the police in my statement, he asked me about it after and he even said I lied.

"Not this again."

"Hunter, why don't you believe me when I say Myra was there." I dragged my legs off him and sat up straight.

"It doesn't seem like her." He impatiently ran his hand through his hair. "I've known her since I moved to the town and I know she wouldn't do something like this."

"Hunter I saw her with my own two eyes!"

He scoffed and looked away. "You said it was dark and you had just woken up. How are you so sure it was her?"

I'm hurt. I have to admit it. He wouldn't believe me even after I told him everything. "Okay."

I nodded and stood up, fighting against the stinging in my eyes. I clenched my hand in anger. Why was he so against me saying that Myra was there? Does he honestly think that I would lie about something like this?

I stormed up the stairs, even more hurt that he didn't try to stop me. He knows how hurt I was about that whole experience, even if I didn't show it. He knows I prefer to keep things bottled up so no one ends up worrying over me.

I was the standing stone when my father left us, even if it killed me inside. My mom was distraught for days, even weeks. When we lost Ty, I mourned like everyone else, but cut it short so I could be there for everyone. After that... incident.. I didn't tell anyone about how shamed, dirty, and disgusting I felt. How I could still feel his hands touching me at any moment. How at night I'd wake up sweaty because I'd dream about what would've happened if I didn't get out.

I only told Hunter. I didn't want the others to worry. Maddy was still hurt about Ty, even though she was better now. I didn't want to make my mom and aunt Jessica worry when they were already stressed about bills and my father starting to call again. Ty isn't here anymore, so I only told Hunter.

Yet here he was calling me a liar. I grabbed the closest thing to me-a pillow- and through it against the wall in anger. I clenched and unclenched my fist, unsure of what to do with this anger.

I opened the door and ran down the stairs, hoping I didn't run into Hunter on the way out. My prayers were answered when I walked out to the front lawn, managing to avoid Hunter.

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