Chapter 2

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Hi! The photo on the side is Bryce only he looks really serious there. So just like imagine him with this cheerful smile. I'll try and find a more causal and happy photo of him.


I quickly walk out of the school and begin my walk home. I wonder what my mom wants to talk about. She made it seem like it was urgent and important.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I jump a little surprised by the sudden voice. I look over to see Bryce leaning by the wall outside as if waiting for someone.

"It's nothing. I just have to be home right away." I nervously scratched my arm and looked down. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, like he usually does. I blush a bit and he looks into my eyes.

"Why do you always hide your beautiful and intense blue eyes?" My blush deepened at his comment.

"I-I don't." I stuttered. Bryce didn't even bother to move. He stayed where he was, his face so close to mine.

"Yeah right."

" I-I have to g-go home now." I was now a stuttering mess.

"Great, I'll go with you."

"Bryce! I'm so glad I found you!!" We both turn to look at Ana. She gave Bryce a big bright smile as she fluttered her eye lashes. She pecked him on the lips real quick.

"Oh. Hi Emily. I didn't even see you there." Her voice changed completely, from being cheerful to dull and bored.

"Hi." My response was short as she immediately turned her attention completely to Bryce and ignored me. Alrighty then, slut. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Well I'll just be going now..." I turned right as I saw her lean closer and closer to Bryce. Well, I definitely don't wanna see that.

My walk home is quiet. I start to wonder about everything I've done this week, and if I've wronged my mom in any way.

"I guess not, but what does she want to talk about." I whisper it quietly to myself.

I trip on the sidewalk and the next thing I know, I'm about to land face first on the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut, and wait for the impact. Only it never comes.

I open my eyes and see the floor inches away from my face. I also notice there is an arm around my waist. I'm pulled up and I turn around to face my savior. My eyes come face to face with a pair of browns eyes. I stand up and move away from the stranger.

"Uh, thanks." I shyly say to him.

"My pleasure. I saw you trip and I felt the need to rush over and save you." He sends me a charming smile and I give him a little tiny smile.

"Alright, well thanks again. Bye now." I wave and turn around. I feel his hand wrap around my arm, keeping me from walking further.

"Wait. What's your name? my name is Luke." I guess I can tell him my first name. I doubt we'll ever meet again and he did save my face.

"Emily." I smile as he lets go of my arm and I continue my walk home.

"I hope I'll see you again!" I hear him shout from distance. I chuckle a bit. My house comes into view and I pick up my pace.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shout into my quiet house. Hmm, it doesn't sound like she's home. I faintly hear the tv and assume it's her.

"Emily, I'm in the living room." I drop my bag by the staircase and walk into the living room.

"Sit down. I guess I might a well tell you now." My mom points to the single seating sofa and I make my way over to sit there.

"Why do you sound so serious?"

"It's just I don't know how you'll react. Okay so I know you weren't really fond of Jessica's son. Oh I might as well just get it over with. Jessica and her son are moving back to town!" My jaw drops open from shock, not fully believing my mom. She sounds so cheerful and happy. I mean I'm glad my moms best friend is moving back. I even think of Jessica as my second mom, but I just don't like her son.

"That's great! I really miss Jessica! But why does he have to tag along?" I raise my eyebrow at the question and my mom gives a little laugh.

"Well, it's not like she could leave him in another town."

"Right, right." I nod my head, showing her I understand.

"When are they getting here?" I ask so I know how long I have left.

"Either tomorrow or the day after."

"WHAT!? Why so soon!?" My eyes widen and my mom chuckled at my expression.

"They told me about moving back almost a week ago."

"How come I'm just learning about this?" I put my head down in my hands.

"I guess I just didn't know how to tell you." My mom gives me a cheeky smile and I groan.


Hi there! sorry it's short. I just felt like this deserved its own chapter. I'm updating more frequently! Hope you like the story so far!





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