Chapter 1

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"Alright bye mom! I'm going to school now!" I shouted as I open the door.

"Did you at least eat something?" I hear my mom from the living room.

"Yeah! I grabbed some coffee. Bye see you." I reply taking a sip from my coffee and stepping outside.

"Don't be late! We need to talk after school!" She shouts as I walk to the sidewalk.

A gentle breeze blew my chocolate brown hair, making it flow majestically in the wind.

"Oh how I love the autumn breeze." I say to myself as I reach the sidewalk.

"Emily, are you talking to yourself again?" I quickly turn to the voice and see its my neighbor and student council president, Bryce Meyers. He sends a teasing smile my way and I blush.

"No, you might just be hearing things now."I blurt out. He chuckles and we start to walk to school.

"Don't you usually drive your car to school?" I question him. Although I'm not complaining, by all means he can walk with me all he wants.

"I do... But... it's in the shop now?" It came out sounding like a question and I chuckled.

"Alright, if you say so." He narrowed his eyes at me and poked my arm.

"Someone's a bit cheeky this morning, huh?" I slapped his hand away and scrunched my nose up.

"No, I'm just my usual wonderful self." He laughs and it's such a nice sound that I can't help but join his laughter. The laughter soon stopped and we walked in silence.

Sadly the moment we get to school we'll part ways. I'll go to my weird friends and he'll probably go to the rest of the student council where his girlfriend will join him. I already see her giving him a huge kiss. I can't help but frown a little.

"Emily?" I come back to reality and see Bryce's face so close to mine. Startled I tilt backwards and he holds my hand to keep me from falling. I look down at our intertwined hands and blush.


"I asked you a question and you didn't answer. You even stopped walking."

"Oh, Sorry. What'd you ask?" I look up at him and see him looking at our intertwined hands. He immediately drops my hand, like he realized he was still holding it.

"Oh. I asked why you were frowning." He finally answered. Damn, he can't know its because I'm jealous.

"I just realized that I didn't finish my homework for English." I come up with that lie on the spot, hoping he'll believe it.

"You're such a nerd." I gasped and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"You are too!" He laughs and nods his head.

"But you're a cute nerd, while I'm just in student council and football."

"But you're hot!" I blurt out and my eyes widen as I realize what I said. I notice a faint pink blush on his cheeks compared to my deep red ones.

"BRYCE BABY!" I cringed as I heard the screech. I saw Bryce flinch from the corner of my eye.

"Hey An-" He was cut-off as all I saw was Ana crash her lips to his. I shuddered and just quietly said goodbye as I walked away.

Well at least I didn't have to deal with my outburst.

"Emily!! The bells about to ring! Hurry up!!" I quickly looked towards the shouting and saw my best friend waving at me like crazy.

"I'm going!" I shout and run over to them.

"Sorry I'm late." I hugged Maddy and we quickly walked to class. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair, that escaped from her ponytail, behind her ear.

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