Chapter thirty three

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"THAT COWARD! SHE BARELY PUT UP A FIGHT! THAT WEAK, PATHETIC COWARD!" Maumivu screamed as he pulled  at his mane out of sheer frustration.
Kesha, Kusudi, Marsha, Alec and finally Shivaria, they all died at the paws of Kovu's lionesses. They all died the same deaths.
Snapped necks and suffocation.
Just the way they were trained.

"Looks like I won," Kovu said smugly to Maumivu as he walked from where he stood and approached Maumivu and Andreas with Kiara right behind him. Nala, Simba, Diana, Burnt Eboney, Vitani and Marisa stood on the side, shocked expressions on their faces.
"I can't believe this. Five lions, dead at the paws of Kovu's lionesses. Why? Why would he do this?" Diana asked.

"Andreas, Maumivu, I believe you both are now obligated to me. The rules were, if my lionesses won the game, you both will have to fulfill whatever demands I have. Am I right?" Kovu asked.
"Those were the rules yes," Maumivu said in a low, angry voice.

"Very well then, so my demands are simple. You were friends with Scar, Zira and Kisasi were you not?" Kovu inquired even though he already knew the answer in which they would give. 
"We were associated with them," Andreas said through clenched teeth.

"Okay then. As for my demands, you will tell me where is the exact location in which Kisasi, and his cowardly henchmen are hiding. The exact location," Kovu said coldly.
"Hahaha! In your dreams Kovu, there is no way in hell we are telling you anything about Kisasi," Andreas said laughing.
"Oh but you will, you lost the game, you will tell me where he is or else," Kovu said threateningly.

"Or else what? Huh? What'll you do? I already lost my sisters and my mate, what do I have to lose?" Maumivu asked smirking.
"Oh you'll be surprised as to what I can do. I can make you lose anything and anyone you've ever loved, I can degrade you to nothing within minutes, I can destroy everything you own without a second thought! Now tell me, where is Kisasi? I won't ask again!" Kovu shouted.

"I'm not squealing, you'll never find him," Maumivu said tauntingly.
Kovu straightened his shoulders and looked from Maumivu to Andreas. Then he turned to face his lionesses. Then he did something that didn't remotely fit into the situation. He laughed. He laughed and he laughed and he laughed. Everyone stared at him as though he had lost his mind! Through wide eyes everyone just stared.

Muuaji and the other four glanced at each other and started to slowly move. No one noticed a thing. They were all focused on the scene before them.
Kiara sighed and walked up to her mate and rested her paw on his shoulder.
"Baby please stop laughing a minute and share the joke. I'm so confused right now," she said playfully.

Kovu stopped immediately and faster than anyone  could blink, Kovu pushed her down on the ground, where she was lying on her back and circled her like a predator stalking its prey.
"It's funny, they refused to give me the information I seek and now they have no idea what I'm about to do to them," he said.
Kiara looked back at him as he circled her and tried to calm her racing heart.

"What are you going to do to them?" she asked in a shaky voice.
"Ask nicely and I'll tell you," Kovu said stroking her fur.
"Okay. What are you going to do to them baby? Tell me please, I wanna know," she said sweetly.
"Ask me nicer," Kovu whispered hoarsely.
"My love, what are you going to do to them? Tell me baby, tell me. I desperately want to know. Please tell me my darling," Kiara purred seductively. 

She knew exactly what he was doing, she knew what he wanted to hear and she was all too willing to give it to him.
Taking her front paws, she wrapped them around Kovu's neck and brought him down to her, her hot breath fanning his face.

"I know what you're looking for, I know what you want. You want me don't you? You've got to have me. You need my love, my affection, the femininity I have to offer you, the closeness, the physical union. Tell me baby, isn't that what you're after?" she asked sweetly.

"It is what I'm after. And believe you me, when I'm down teaching some manners to these bastards, I'm going to have you, all to myself. Every last drop of your... addicting femininity," Kovu whispered.

"Then you shall have it. I'm all yours, all yours. I belong only to you. And you belong only to me. You're mine baby. All mine," Kiara said in a dangerous voice.
"When she was finished, she  released his head and he raised himself off of her and she got up off the grass and they faced their audience, innocent smiles on their faces.
"What's wrong? Can a guy claim his lioness around here?" Kovu asked jokingly.

"I have no time for this, my brother and I are leaving. See you later Kovu, it was nice talking to you," Maumivu declared as he and Andreas turned and prepared to walk away from the scene.
"GET HIM!" Kovu shouted.
Then before Maumivu and Andreas could turn around, Muuaji and the others had Maumivu on the floor. Nia and Haraka stood in front of Andreas, preventing him from coming to his brother's assistance. 

Mkali and Siri held Maumivu down while Muuaji held her claws to his neck, slowly sinking them into his throat.
Kovu approached Andreas and glared coldly at him.
"Tell me where Kisasi is or your brother is dead. And if you don't tell me where he is, I'll first kill him, then every single pregnant female in your pride and then, I'll kill you! I'll make you suffer! Tell me where Kisasi is, NOW!"  

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you where Kisasi is, I'll tell you!" Andreas cried desperately.
"I'm waiting Andreas," Kovu said lowly.
"He's living North of the land of Ustawi. He and his pride are resided there, he took the lions and lionesses from Scar's pride and left them," Andreas said frantically.

"The land of Ustawi? You'd better not be lying to me Andreas. Because if I find out I've been misled, the consequences will be lethal," Kovu threatened.
"No no I'm not lying! He's been living there for a while. Now  please release my brother," Andreas begged. 
"I will decide whether or not to release your brother. Now get out of here!" Kovu growled.

"That's not fair! I gave you the information, release him!" Andreas shouted.
"I will not!" Kovu said aggressively.
"You will release him. Or else I'll-"
"Or else you'll what Andreas?" Kiara asked in a cold voice. A voice that shocked everyone. Excluding Kovu that is.

"Or else you'll what? You can do not one thing to my mate, you can't touch him. Now, get the hell out of our kingdom or else Andreas I swear  you'll see a side of me you never knew existed. Get out now!"

Andreas looked helplessly to his brother and back at Kovu.
"Fine I'm leaving," he relented.
Then without another word he turned and left. Maumivu was held down by Siri and Mkali until he was out of sight and then Kovu turned  and prepared to walk away.
"My lord what shall we do with Maumivu?" Muuaji inquired.
Kovu stopped walking and turned to face Muuaji.
"Kill him!" he said coldly.

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