chapter fifty two

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"Kovu! Baby wait, don't go! My love don't go!" Kiara cried out as Kovu ran away from everyone. When Kovu did not come back and just continued to run, Kiara sighed and sat down, sadness in her eyes as she looked on as her beloved mate ran away. She hated seeing him like that,it broke her heat to know he was feeling such conflicted, feelings, fighting with his inner demons.

"Kiara leave him, he just needs some time to sort out everything," Nala said placing a paw on her daughter's shoulder.
"Just look at him Mom, he's hurt, he's confused, he's disappointed. I..I can't see him like this. I can't see the father of my cubs like this Mom..I just can't," Kiara burst into rapid tears and hugged her mother tightly.

Nala sat down and held Kiara close to her and stroked her fur, comforting her in her times of distress and sadness.
"We'll give you two a minute. If you need us, call us," Freya said softly as she departed with her mate. Simba and Marisa followed after a few minutes. Kiara took a paw and placed it on her lower stomach and rubbed it in smooth circular motions while crying.

"Daddy will be back okay my darling? Daddy loves you so much. He...just needs some time okay? And then when he comes back, he'll make everything better. Daddy loves you, and so do I.." Kiara said lovingly.
Nala sighed and kissed Kiara's forehead. She had the right idea, talking to her cub when she was distressed, it was a sure way to ease pain. A mother and her cub, bonding when in the womb was one of nature's most special moments.

"And that's the last of the nasty bastards,"  Mkali said with a satisfied smirk as she dumped the last of the dead bodies of the lions on the ground after snapping its neck. All of Kisasi's lions and lionesses were dead, a few of Kovu's pride members were injured,but they weren't serious. A sprained paw, a stepped on tail, that sort of thing.

"Well done everyone, our leader will he most satisfied when he sees our work," Muuaji said as she stood on a rock overlooking the pride.
"What do we do now Muuaji?" someone asked from the crowd.
"We wait. All of you get back to the savannah. Get some rest. Most likely we'll be leaving for Kukimbia when our leader comes back. So rest up," Muuaji ordered them.

They nodded their heads and departed. When everyone was gone, Muuaji jumped off of the rock and laid on the ground.
"So do we go look for I'm? It's been a few hours since he's been gone," Haraka said.
"Our leader is stressed out at the moment and needs time to get a grip. That scumbag Kisasi is gone and there's no telling where he is. That's enough to get anyone's blood boiling," Muuaji stated disgustedly.

"Where is Nia?" Mkali inquired.
"I'm right here," Nia said coming forward from the back, her eyes cast down.
"Nia I'm sorry about Jace. He so  selfishly betrayed us and Zaria as well. There's nothing you can do about it," Muuaji said gently.
"I know Muuaji. It's just that... I'm an only child now. My sister is dead, my brother has left the pride and my parents are also dead. I'm all alone now," Nia said sadly.

"That's not true! You're not alone, you have us. We're your family Nia," Siri spoke up.
"Yes Nia, you may not be blood but you're family. We look out for as though you were out own," Mkali chimed in.
"You're the baby sister I never had Ni-Ni, you're cute, you're smart, your innocent and brave," Haraka said as she playfully pinned Nia down.
"Ni-Ni? Of all the names you choose to give me, Ni-Ni?" Nia asked annoyed.

"Yup. Your name's too short to find a nickname for. Suck it up," Haraka said licking her face and giggling. Nia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You're heavy get off," she murmured.
Haraka laughed and moved from her and helped her to get up.
"Feeling better?" Muuaji asked.
"Much, thank you guys," Nia smiled at last and opened her paws for a hug. First Haraka, then Siri rushed in to hug her, then Mkali and Muuaji, though at a much slower pace.

Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping was heard from the other side of the cave. Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka looked up but saw no-one there.
"Reshma if that's you coming to scare us, you'll be the next one to die!" Muuaji called out.
When Reshma did not show, Muuaji rose off the ground and walked to the back of the cave and looked around. Nothing.

"It was probably just the wind blowing the trees," Mkali said.
"Maybe," Muuaji mused.
"Mommy! Mommy help!"
"A cub! It's coming from behind the cave!" Nia cried out.
"Let's go!" Muuaji shouted.
So the five of them got up and raced to the back of the cave to find the cub falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book.

"Mom I'm hungry can I have something to eat please?" Kiara asked weakly as she sat up and looked at her mother.
It's been several hours since Kovu left and Kiara had not moved from her spot. Nala stayed with her, comforting her in her lonely state.
"Of course honey. What would you like?" Nala asked.
"Anything will do. I just want to put something in my stomach," Kiara replied.

"Okay sit here I'll be right back," Nala said as she rose off the ground and walked off.
When she was gone, Kiara laid on her back and looked out into the savannah. She toyed with the idea of going out to look for her love, but decided against it. Ustawi was unfamiliar territory and she had no interest in getting lost where Kovu would have to send a search party to look for her. She'd just wait here for him. He'd come. He always came.

"Kiara my love," a seductive make voice said.
"Kovu?" Kiara turned around upon hearing Kovu's voice.
"I'm here sweetheart, come to me," the voice called again.
"Baby I was so worried about you, where were you?" Kiara asked as she got up off the ground and walked to where the voice sounded.

"I just needed some time to think,"
"Okay love, are you feeling better now?"
"Much. I've never felt better. Would you like to have a few rounds with me? You can be the dominant one, I'll be submissive this time,"
Upon hearing this, Kiara stopped in her tracks and stared ahead.
"You want to be the submissive one?" she asked.
"Oh yes, I want you to be in control this time. Do things to me that'll drive me wild,"

"Why aren't you in front of me?" Kiara asked in a hard voice.
"I..I just wanted to tease you,"
"Kovu you never never tease me when I'm worried like this!" Kiara cried out.
"Well there's a first time for everything right?"
"You're not Kovu! You're a fake!" Kiara shouted.

"Well, well, it appears Kisasi was right when he said not to underestimate you. You're smarter than I thought," the voice dropped its Kovu act and stepped out into the light. Kiara's face paled as she saw who it was.
"You! What are...what are you doing here?" she said backing away.
"Surprised to see me love? Aww I missed you too. I wish your boyfriend didn't show up when I was there with you, we could've been so happy together you, me, and our future cubs,"

"Help! Mom! Daddy! Marisa! Someone help me!" Kiara tried to run past him, but he grabbed her tail and fell to the ground.
He hovered over her and held her down while she struggled under him.
"Leaving so soon darling? Oh bit we've barely had any time to ourselves, how can you leave now?" he asked laughing.
Kiara growled and tried once more to get up, but her attempts were futile. "Let me go! I don't love you! Let me go or else-"

"Or else what?" he asked cruelly.
Kiara's sentence was left unfinished, she strained to get up but he was holding her too tightly. She burst into tears, shelves desperately trying to get away from him but she was too weak, the crying and lack of food had drained her of her energy. She struggled one last time before her eyes started to close, she was getting tired, the world seemed to be spinning, her vision was blackening. She was out like a light.

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