Chapter eighteen

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Marisa was lying in the den after being treated by Rafiki and her wounds were wrapped in some leaves with a herbal medicine that Rafiki said would have her healed in about a week. The den was empty, Marisa being its only occupant. Memories of Andreas, the way he hurt her and his betrayal  plaugued her everytime she closed her eyes and she found it hard to cope with it. All this time she was under the impression that Andreas loved her and he wanted to be her mate and start a family with her, but she now saw how wrong her judgemnt was. He used her! He didn't love her, he just wanted her for his own benefits and that was what hurt her the most.   

Just at that moment her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and it was evening now, so she walked out of the den and onto the platfom which was at the moment empty. The sun was looming on the horizon, its rays casting shadows on the platform. Marisa walked down the steps and into the savannah where several animals were preparing for the night. Marisa caught sight of Kovu and Kiara, seated at a rock and made her way over to them. "Hey guys what's up," she hailed cheerfully. 

Kovu saw her standing there and got up immediately and came over to her and nuzzled her affectionately. "Hey sis how are you doing? Are you okay? Do you want anything?" he asked concerned for his sister's wellbeing. Marisa smiled and nuzzled him back. "I'm fine Kovu, the wounds on my stomach and leg are making it a little hard for me to walk, but other than that I'm fine," Marisa replied. Kovu smiled and made her sit on the grass. Rafiki had given direct orders that Marisa was to rest and not move around too much or the wounds won't get a chance to heal properly. 

Kiara came up and to Marisa she asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want me to hunt something for you?" Suddenly Marisa's stomach growled again and Kiara and Kovu chuckled slightly. "I think that's a yes babe. Go tell the lionesses to hunt a buffalo or somthing, I'll stay with Marisa until." Kovu said to his mate. Kiara nodded and went off to carry out the request. Kovu sat down next to his sister and they talked about what the other had been doing in the past three years. Kovu avoided talking about Andreas for fear that it would upset Marisa further and in return, Marisa avoided talking about Scar and Zira for the same reasons. 

Kiara came back shortly with the hunting party and they hunted a large male buffalo, Kiara assisted  in the hunt and impressed Kovu with her excellent hunting skills that had improved with all the training she had. Soon, the rest of the pride came and everyone sat down to eat, including Haraka, Nia and Siri. When the lions had eaten their fill, they walked back to Pride Rock which was now clothed with the darkness of the night. The lions entered the den and soon everyone fell into a deep slumber. 

Dawn at the Northern Border. 

Muuaji along with Nia, Siri, Mkali, Haraka, Jace and Roman were seated at the Northern Border facing Kovu who had a deathly serious look on his face;  Kiara was seated next to him, her facial expression mimicked his mood. Silent, in deep thought, slightly cold.   Muuaji and the other's heads were bowed in submission in front of Kovu and they were silent as he paced and muttered to himself. When he finally stopped, he sat down and ordered them to raise their heads to which they obeyed instantly. "Andreas and his pathetic followers nearly killed my sister yesterday. He took her to the Elephant Graveyard and tried to force himself on her, but we stopped him before it could escalate," Kovu said in his usual cold tone of voice laced with authority. "I was to kill him, but the bastard used the hyenas as a diversion and he and his lionesses escaped."

The others nodded and Nia and Siri were apologetic as they realized the whole thing was in fact their fault. If they had reported to Kovu the moment the act was being done, Andreas could have been stopped and he wouldn't have escaped. Kovu growled in frustration and swiped at an old dead tree, causing it to break and its pieces to scatter on the grass. Kiara stepped up and rested her head under Kovu's neck,  soothing him, comforting him. "I know you're upset because things didn't go your way but don't be discouraged, you'll get another chance and the plan WILL be a success; this I promise you," she said as she nuzzled him tenderly.

"My lord what are we to do now?" Muuaji asked. Kovu detatched himself from Kiara and in answer to Muuaji's question, he replied, "We will now initiate phase two.  Muuaji, Mkali, Siri, Nia and Haraka will come to Pride Rock with me, Jace and Roman you will go back home. The pride needs protection and while you are there, keep an eye out for rouges and anything suspicious." Jace and Roman bowed to Kovu once more and bounded off to carry out their orders and the five lionesses followed Kovu and Kiara to Pride Rock. 

Back at Pride Rock (Morning assembly)

Kovu, Kiara, Nala and Simba stood at the front and faced the pride. Morning assembly was just ending but first Kiara had several announcements to make. With the pride listening intently, Kiara took a breath and proceeded with the plan. "Good morning to you all, I just have a few things to say before we close," Kiara paused for a moment and glanced at Kovu once and received a nod then she continued. "With all the problems with the rouges and the new hyena clan that has taken up residence in the Elephant Graveyard, as well as the traitor that for three years has been living with us, deceiving us, I have come to a solution."  

Kiara waited another moment, as she prepared herself for the next part of her 'announcement'. "As of this morning, I have decided I have procrastinated enough and the time has come for me to step up and take my place as Queen of the Pride Lands."  

Author's Note; Again I apologise for the short chapter guys. I have three seperate books that are pending right now as well as the new ones that are a work in progress. Plz forgive me if the chapters seem boring. :( :( 

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