chapter fifty four

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"I had no intention of hurting you both, but with the amount of  disappointment I experienced, it just had me frustrated with the way things turned out. I know it's no excuse for speaking to you both this way, but I just wanted to say, I'm truly sorry," Kovu said sincerely as he Freya and Hekima walked through the savannah.

"We accept your apology Kovu. We know you've been under a lot of stress the past few years and we understand the reason for your reaction," Hekima said graciously.
"We also apologize if we made things difficult for you Kovu," Freya said.  "From now on we promise to support you in anything you do and try to make things as easy for you as possible."

"Thank you Freya, I appreciate it," Kovu replied with a smile.
"There you are, we were looking for you,"
Kovu, Freya and Hekima turned around and saw Kiara, Nala and Simba walking towards them.
"Where's Marisa?" Kovu asked when they met up in the middle of the savannah.
"She was trying to hunt something for me, but the impala here are a little faster than the ones in the Pride Lands," Kiara said laughingly.

"My lord,"
"Yes Muuaji, what is it?" Kovu asked the lioness as she walked to to the group, blood on her paws and mouth.
"If we torture Khan anymore he's most likely going to be dead by sunset. Would you care to come in and question him?" she asked.
"How badly is his state?" Kovu inquired.
"Bleeding everywhere, a sprained paw, dislocated shoulder and his body has multiple scratches and bite marks," Muuaji reported.

"Excellent. Next time he'll think twice before he tries to claim what's mine, let alone declare he's going to impregnate my mate," Kovu scoffed.
"As I there's ever going to be a next time," Muuaji snickered.
"What a delusional little bastard. Who the hell does he think he is? Thinking I can ever belong to him when I've already been marked and claimed," Kiara said with a smirk.

"And who's claimed you?" Kovu asked as they walked back.
"You of course baby," Kiara said sweetly as she bumped Kovu's side with hers.
"And will never desire any other lion?" Kovu inquired.
"I'll never even think of doing that," Kiara replied.
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm only yours. And you're only mine,"
"That's a good girl,"

"Now Khan it's in your best interest to just spill your guts, our leader's patience span isn't a lot when it comes to scumbags and insolent bastards such as yourself," Mkali said boredly as she lazily circled Khan.
"I..I'm not spilling one damn thing," Khan scoffed.
"Even after all that abuse you're still obstinate?" Nia asked.

"I'm not saying anything,"
"Well gee that's a shame. Even after my lionesses beat you up so badly and knocked you around like an empty turtle shell you still aren't saying anything," Kovu said as he approached Khan and sat down in front of his beaten form. "I'm giving you one last chance Khan. Tell me what you know."
"I'm not saying anything to you Kovu. Your lionesses can pulverize me until I'm dead. I'm not saying one thing to you," Khan said stubbornly.

Kovu growled and took his paw and hit him hard on the side of his head, making him fall due to the beatings he got from Muuaji and the others.
"Tell me what you know now! Talk!" Kovu shouted.
"I'm not saying anything," Khan said tauntingly.
"Fine. Since you refuse to say anything I guess I'll have to-"
"My lord!"

Kovu's sentence was interrupted when a lioness with golden fur and blue eyes came up with two other lionesses. They were dragging behind them another lioness who was screaming and scratching at the ground.
"Who's this Milana?" Kovu asked interestedly as he walked up to the lioness with the blue eyes.
"My lord she was found lurking at the edge of the border. She was calling Khan's name and looking around as those she sought him out," Milana reported.

"Mpole! What are you doing here?!" Khan shouted.
"Khan, mother is worried to death! She was looking for you, why are you here?" the lioness called Mpole said tearfully.
"I can't tell you. Your life will be in danger," Khan said.
"Oh really? I sense a close knit bond between you both. Brother and sister I presume?" Kovu asked with a smirk as he looked between Mpole and Khan.

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