Chapter forty three

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After Kiara and Kovu left the cave, they went straight to the savannah where Simba, Nala, Marisa, Kovu's five lionesses and a few leopards were.
"Kurusha is a lovely place to live your highnesses, it's calm, relaxing and serene as well as pleasing to the senses," the female leopard that was talking to Simba and Nala said.

"By the way, where are your daughter and son-in-law? We leopards have been talking and we've decided to join them. In the Pride Lands, if that's okay," another female leopard said meekly.
"It's nice to see you all have decided to join us. Good, you've made the right decision,"
Everyone turned around and saw Kiara and Kovu coming towards them. The leopards stepped back a few inches and looked downwards.

"Well look who finally decided to show up. Have your fill this morning?" Marisa asked sarcastically.
"Shut up Marisa, what Kiara and I do in our personal time is none of your business," Kovu said rolling his eyes.
"Excuse me? It is too. We heard Kiara screaming all the way from over here," Marisa said smirking.
"No you didn't," Kiara said with a laugh.

"What do you mean?" Marisa asked confusedly.
"If you had really heard us, so would Daddy. And usually when something like this happens, Daddy gets all paranoid and antsy. He's perfectly relaxed the way I see it," Kiara said as she laid casually on the grass.
"Darn it!" Marisa exclaimed.
"Better luck next time sis. And while you're at it, perfect your lying skills. Learn from Vitani," Kovu said winking at his sister.

Just then a few excited squeals were heard from behind the adults. Cubs no doubt.
"Nah nah you can't catch me!" a girl leopard came running around the corner, following her was a male and another female. They looked to be three years old.
(Just to be clear leopards and lions both have the same age when it comes to being cubs. 5 months is one year for them so these leopard cups are 15 months old)

The female who was running ahead wasn't looking where she was going, and so bumped into Kovu's backlegs. Kovu looked down and saw her, sitting on the ground, rubbing her tiny little head. She had blue eyes, that resembled ripe blueberries, and her spots were just starting to properly become visible and her face held curiosity as she gazed up at Kovu.

"Your majesty I am so sorry. It was an accident. Please don't mind her, she's small she didn't see you there," the first female leopard, who was clearly her mother, said anxiously.
"It's perfectly alright, she's just a cub. No need to panic," Kovu said amusedly.
"Yeah Mom no need to panic, he's not even bothered by me," the little cub said cheekily.
Kiara saw the cub and gave an exclamation of delight. She loved cubs. She found them to be cute and so sweet.

"Hello honey, what's your name?" she asked in a friendly voice.
The cub saw Kiara lying there and smiled and padded over to her. "Hi I'm Penny, what's your name?" she asked in her natural squeaky voice.
"I'm Kiara, I'm here with my husband Kovu," Kiara replied.
"Husband? What's that?" Penny asked tilted her head.

"A husband is the male that a female is married to. I married Kovu that makes him my husband. Or my mate, if that's easier to understand," Kiara said.
"Ohh. Now I understand. Did you marry him on your own free will? Or were you forced to marry him?" Penny inquired.
"What? Forced to marry him? No I love him, that's why I married him. What makes you say that I was forced?" Kiara asked completely bewildered.

"In our leap, females are forced to get married when they reach a certain age. The elders don't believe in love and all that," Penny said sadly.
Everyone grew silent at this. Arranged marriages wasn't uncommon in some lands, but it was heavily frowned upon in most. Kiara remembered what was to happen with her and Neema's son Khan, her father had arranged for their marriage and Kovu's unexpected arrival  thwarted that arrangement.

"Penny go and play with your cousins, the adults need time to talk," Penny's mother said softly.
"Okay Mommy, c'mon guys let's go! The fieldmice are awake now, let's chase them!" Penny said as she ran off with her cousins, leaving the adults there.

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