Chapter sixteen

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"So. I see Kovu has himself a mate. That boy has proven to be smarter than I thought. Attaining a mate who has great standard and position was a very conniving move in his part I must admit," a sinister voice hissed. "And not only has he returned to his old home, his pride has also grown in numbers since that last time I've seen him."
"What am I to do sire. Shall I lead my lions to the Pride Lands and eliminate the threat before it can get out of hand?" another voice enquired. There was silence, then another voice was heard. "Sire, I propose you send someone to spy on the pridelanders. Observe their every move, analyze their weak spots and bring them down from the inside." 

"No you will do nothing of the sort. i will send someone to spy on the pridelanders. When the time comes I will show myself, until then, send five of our soilders to the Pride Lands and wait for further instructions," the first voice said. 

"Andreas  this doesn't look good, I know you don't like Kovu very much but he's my brother. I don't want any part of this," Marisa said firmly. She and Andreas were currently in the elephant graveyard. "Why not Marisa? Your brother won't even miss us. We could run away and start a pride of our own, have our cubs and be happy. Don't you want to raise our family my love?" Andreas asked as he rubbed his head on Marisa's back. Marisa didn't know what to say to her mate. She loved him very much and she wanted them to have a family, but Kovu was her brother. How could she leave him and their pride  and go somewhere else? No. She could never be that selfish. 

"I'm sorry Andreas but I can't leave my family. Kovu is my brother, Vitani is my sister and my parents- No I could never leave them," Marisa said walking away from him. She loved her mate, but she couldn't leave her family. Andreas growled and grabbed her shoulder forcefully and made her turn around to face him. "I don't care if you don't want to leave your family. You and I  are running away and we are never coming back. Now. Let's. Go," he snarled. Marisa's eyes widened in shock. She'd never seen Andreas like that. Angry, threatening, forceful. It scared her. "Andreas leave me. I don't want to go with you, leave me," Marisa said as she tried to get away from the lion. Instead of letting her go, Andreas tightened his grip on her making her cry out in pain. "Andreas let go of me!" Marisa yelled. "Get away from me or I'll- 

"Or you'll what sweetie?  You'll kill me? You'll call your brother to save you after you insulted him so badly? Tell me. What will you do?" Andreas sneered as he tugged Marisa harder. Marisa growled and swiped at his face but she missed. Laughing wickedly Andreas pushed Marisa on the ground and bit her on her hindleg making her scream. He quickly released her and clamped his teeth down on her shoulder and she screamed again.  "Aww does it hurt? Did that hurt? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor thing," Andreas snickered. Tears  ran down Marisa's cheeks as she squirmed and tried to get away from Andreas who seemed to enjoy his former mate's struggles. 

Siri and Nia were crouched down behind an elephant skull watching Andreas and Marisa from a distance. "Nia stay here and watch them. I'll go back to report to our leader. When he finds out what is happening with his sister, this bastard will regret ever being born," Siri growled lowly. Nia nodded her understanding and advised her friend to be careful. Siri turned around and bounded in the direction of the Pride lands. Nia watched helplessly as Andreas hurt Marisa and tried to force her to submit to him. twice she nearly jumped down and twice she nearly attempted to rip Andreas' throat out. But Siri gave her orders to stay and watch. If there was one thing their leader had taught them, it was to follow instructions and obey your comrades when given an order in a dire situation. So Nia did as she was told and stayed put.  

Back at Pride Rock

"HE DID WHAT TO MY SISTER?!" Kovu roared in outrage. It took a while but Siri had finally arrived at Pride Rock and the moment she did, she informed Kovu of what Andreas had done and was doing to Marisa. To say he was angry would be a huge understatment- he looked murderous! Kiara was standing next to Kovu with Vitani and Kion behind her and behind them were Diana, Burnt Eboney, Nala and Simba. Haraka had come also and was seated next to Siri. "My lord I had left Nia there to watch them and I had came here with all possible speed to inform you of the audacious act done by the imposter," Siri said with low growl. Kovu gritted his teeth and turned to Kion. "You come with me to the Elephant Graveyard with Vitani and six outsider lionesses. I'll go there ahead of you with Kiara, Siri and Haraka to confront Andreas. Most likely his lionesses would be there in hiding waiting for us so we need to be prepared. Is that clear?"

"Of course Kovu," Kion said firmly. Kovu nodded and bounded off the platform with Kiara, Siri, Haraka and Nia in tow. They raced across the savannah and to the Elephant Graveyard, murderous thoughts running through their minds. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE YOU MONSTER!" Marisa shrieked as Andreas towered over her menacingly with an evil smirk on his face. "Baby you belong to me! I'm going to enjoy getting you pregnant. You'll carry my cubs, we'll run away and start our perfect family leaving yours to stay with ME!" he shouted. Marisa cried out when he scratched his claws across her face and he laughed when blood started to seep from the wound he created on her stomach. Nia watched this and clenched her teeth. She couldn't take it anymore. She jumped down from her position, slid down a heap of elephant bones and lunged at Andreas knocking him off of Marisa. Clearly not expecting the abrupt interuption, Andreas slid across the floor and slammed against an elephant skull and hit his head. 

 "Marisa are you okay?" Nia asked as she helped the lioness to stand. Marisa groaned and staggered against Nia as she got shakily to her paws. "Nia thank you so much," she gasped tiredly. Andreas growled and roared loudly and immediately Nia and Marisa were surrounded by twelve snarling lionesses from Andreas' pride. Nia stood in front of Marisa and bared her teeth as she tried to keep Andreas' lionesses away from Marisa. "You are so going to regret coming here rouge," Andreas snarled fiercly. "My lionesses are going to kill you first, I'll take my 'mate' and we'll leave. You don't stand a chance." 

"Wrong you are Andreas. It is YOU who don't stand a chance," a male voice snarled. Andreas and his lionesses turned arround and caught sight of Kovu who stood with Kiara, Siri and Haraka at his side. Marisa smiled weakly and attempted to go to her brother but collapsed on her side due to her lack of strenght. Kovu saw this and his ears fell flat as he gazed sadly at Marisa. Then the sadness vanished and switched to hatred as he glared at Andreas. "You demon what have you done to her?!" he yelled. Andreas rolled his eyes and smirked. "I tried to claim her as mine but for hell she wouldn't stay one place. So if you must know, I roughed her up a little," he said wickedly.  "Oh Kovu I know how you feel but may I have the pleasure of murdering this bastard?" 

All heads turned upwards and caught sight of Vitani and Kion, standing with six furious lionesses at their side. Kovu smiled as they slid down the side and surrounded Andreas and his lionesses."Way to go sis, I knew you'd come through for me," he said proudly. Vitani acknowledged the compliment with a modest shake of her head. Then Kovu turned to Andreas and levelled him with a murderous glare. "As you can see Andreas, you are clearly outnumbered. You are not worthy of redemption nor are you worthy of forgivness. I am going to kill you right here and now. No one hurts my sister and lives to regret it!" 

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