Chapter twenty five

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Everyone was silent as they left the Pride Lands and went to Kovu's pride, leaving Kion to keep an eye on things since it would only take an hour and a half to arrive. Kovu was furious. So furious the only one allowed to speak to him was Kiara.

His steps were aggressive and his breathing hard as he tried to keep his anger intact, deciding he would save his pent up anger so he could unleash it on the ones who invaded his land. Kusudi had been an infernal pest the past three years and she was highly irritating, she was crazy, unhinged and delusional as well as disgustingly persistent- that stops now!

Eventually they made it to Kovu's domain, the grass was as lush as ever, the herds were grazing peacefully and the sky was blue and clear, not a cloud in sight. The irony. The atmosphere was so calming and pure. And it would all be invaded and disturbed the moment Kovu arrived at the place where his pride resided.

Firstly he would strangle Kusudi for interrupting and possibly putting a halt in his plan, secondly he would demand an explanation as to why his border patrols weren't up and guarding the borders, thus allowing Kusudi and her pawns to sneak pass, thirdly he would find Avery, torture her and make an example out of her, as to show everyone what happens when they betray him, and make them think THRICE before they do so. The desperate need to feel the blood on his paws made him will his body faster.

"KUSUDI!" Kovu roared out as he approached the caves entrance. Immediately all the lions and lionesses belonging to Kovu's pride exited the cave excluding the cubs. Kusudi was nowhere to be seen.

They saw the livid look on Kovu's face and every single one bowed down to him, terrified of the aura of rage that surrounded their livid leader who looked angry enough to commit murder without thinking twice. Kovu's furious eyes roamed the group of lions and lionesses but didn't see the three faces he sought.

"JACE! ROMAN! AVERY!" Kovu shouted furiously making Kiara jump slightly at the harsh tone of her mate's voice, even though she knew his anger wasn't directed at her, but at the ones responsible.

When Jace, Roman and Avery did not show, Kovu called for Muuaji, Siri, Mkali and Haraka. They appeared at his side and bowed their heads in submission, not wanting to further anger their leader. "Search the perimeter and find Roman, Jace and Avery and tell them to come to the cave entrance," he demanded. They nodded their heads and rushed off to carry out their orders.

While they were gone, Kovu called for Mauti to come forward. The crowd parted and allowed Mauti to pass. She stepped up to Kovu and bowed down.
"Yes my lord, what is your command?" she asked with slight fear in her voice as she tried to appear brave.

"Kusudi, where is she? Zahara came to the Pride Lands and told me that Kusudi had come here, she killed some of the pride members after infiltrating the borders and now she is nowhere to be seen. Where.Is. She?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"My lord Kusudi left after she killed five lionesses and two cubs, she said to give you this message if we were to see you, you won't be King for long, enjoy your reign while it lasts," Mauti said efficiently. Kovu chuckled darkly and Mauti shrank back slightly. By this time the rest of Kovu's pride had risen their heads and they were standing around looking nervous as they watched Kovu pace back and forth, unsure what was about to happen.

Several minutes later, Muuaji came with the others, behind her walked Roman and Jace and behind Roman and Jace, Mkali was dragging a petrified Avery who was crying hysterically as she tried to get Mkali to release her, knowing full and well that Kovu was here and he was NOT pleased with her betrayal.

But what could she do? Kusudi forced her to give them access to Kovu's territory; by blackmail, a little childhood trauma and blood. Lots and lots of blood. Avery knew for a fact that Kovu did not tolerate betrayals or any underhanded act that would jeopardize the lives of the pride, would force him to make decisions that left him little to no choice in the matter or make him look like a fool.

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