Chapter forty four

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Kovu and Kiara left Kurusha with Nala, Simba, Marisa and everyone else and made their way to Ustawi. To make it to Ustawi, they walk through Kuachwa desert where there was nothing but dry, crusty ground and bones of the unfortunate animals that died there. Once they passed the desert, they reached a lake. They drank their fill, rested for a while then pushed on.

By sundown they reached Ustawi. A gorgeous forest with assorted fruit trees, lakes and vines that hung down from trees, over fifty feet tall.
"Wow this place is amazing," Kiara exclaimed as she took in the glorious scenery. "Where are all the leopards?"
"They're around here somewhere. Ustawi leopards are famous for sleeping a lot, I figure  they're probably having dinner," Kovu said. "Muuaji, the plums, do you have them?"

"Yes my lord, they're strapped onto my back with a fig leaf and some vines," Muuaji affirmed.
"Excellent. Let's go. Freya and Hekima don't know we're here so we should hurry and get going," Kovu replied as led the way through the forest.
"Kovu I need to stop for a minute," Kiara said hurriedly.
Kovu stopped walking and looked at her questioningly.
"Is there a reason why?"

"Yeah I need know," she said winking.
"Oh okay. Uh you all stay here, I'm just gonna go with Kiara," Kovu said to Muuaji.
"I can do this for myself Kovu, I'd like a little privacy," Kiara said raising her eyebrows.
"Yeah I'm sure you would. But this is an unfamiliar land. I'm not leaving you alone," Kovu said shaking his head.

"I'm a grown lioness I can do certain things for myself," Kiara argued.
"Kiara I'm not leaving you your thing alone. I'll look the other way if you want privacy, but I'm not leaving you alone," Kovu said firmly.
"But Kovu I can-"
"This is not up for debate! You're my mate, you're carrying my cub, I'm coming with you and that's final!" Kovu shouted.

Kiara groaned and slapped her face with her paw.
"You are the most stubborn, hard-headed, bossy, possessive, clingy lion I have ever met!" she said frustratedly.
"And you are the most childish, naïve, innocent lioness I've ever met," Kovu said amusedly.

"You're so unfair!"
"That makes two of us," Kovu said with a smirk.
"Stop teasing me," Kiara whined.
"I'm not teasing you, I'm being honest," Kovu said laughing. "I'm trying to protect you and you're not even trying to protect yourself, or our little one."

"I'm just going to pee for King's sake!" Kiara said irritatedly.
"Okay let me come with you then," Kovu insisted.
"No! I need to be independent!" Kiara said rolling her eyes.
"You can. After you give birth to our cub, you can be as independent as you want,"
Apparently having enough Kiara lunged at Kovu, pinned him under her and growled loudly. Shocking everyone, including Kovu himself. 

"I'm sick and tired of your attitude! You may enjoy making others follow your every order and boss them around, but Kovu, I'm a completely different matter. I'm hungry, I'm tired, my feet hurt and I'm irritated. Keep your alpha masculinity in check and we'll be a perfect, happy married couple. Do you understand baby?" Kiara asked threateningly.
"Whatever you say sweetheart," Kovu said meekly.

"Very well. Sit here I'll be right back," Kiara said as she got up and walked behind a large tree to do her business.
"Oh if only Vitani could see that," Marisa shrieked. "She'd never let you live it down, never!"
"Shut up Marisa!" Kovu snapped.
"Aww are you mad? Does the big bad wolf hate having his position threatened?" Marisa asked mockingly.

"Marisa I said shut up, she's pregnant, her hormones are out of control, if that weren't the case, she'd never speak to me that way," Kovu said with a scoff.
"Okay I'm done. That wasn't so hard was it? I'm still alive," Kiara said as she came out from behind the tree a relieved look in her eyes.

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