Chapter forty

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After Kovu, Kiara, Marisa and Kovu's five lionesses reached the cliff where Wazimu, Kichaa and Hifadhi lived, Kovu motioned for everyone to follow him. The path leading up to the cave was steep and perilous, it allowed passage for leopards only since they were more agile on their feet than lions.

Kovu went first, then Kiara, then Muuaji, Mkali Siri, Haraka and Marisa. Nia was in front of Kovu, since she would be the one peeping into the cave.
"Oh crap heights again," Kiara muttered as she followed Kovu, being careful not to step on anything which would cause her to slip.

When they reached the cave itself, Nia peeped into the cave via the small crack and using her keen vision, she saw that their targets, as predicted, were fast asleep.
"My lord they're asleep. Wazimu, Kichaa and Hifadhi, all three are there," the red eyed lioness reported.

"Excellent. Now we move. Let's go in, single file everybody," Kovu said as he walked into the cave, followed by  Kiara, Muuaji, Mkali and Siri.
"Marisa you stay here with Nia and Haraka and keep an eye out."
"Thanks. You killing someone in cold blood, using  your sick, twisted methods is not the last thing I'd like to see before I go to sleep," Marisa said with a shudder.

"We were trained to kill in cold blood in the outlands too. Have you forgotten Marisa? You're just like me in a way, just not as far gone as I am," Kovu said as he nuzzled his sister.
"Yeah I know. We're siblings, I care about you little brother," Marisa said smiling.
"Little brother?!" Nia and Haraka asked in unison. 
"She's just a few seconds older, its not a big deal," Kovu said rolling his eyes.
Then they entered the cave.

The cave was a simple one, with vines covering the walls, a huge tortoise shell in the corner with water and bones littering the floor. The faint smell of blood lingered in the cave, probably from their previous meal. But Muuaji, Mkali and Siri knew that in just a few minutes, the cave will be overwhelmed with fresh blood.

Kovu signalled to Muuaji, Mkali and Siri with his paw, they understood what was requested of they and moved into position, being extremely careful not to step on any bones. Muuaji moved to the left, Mkali to the right, Siri to the back and Kovu and Kiara at the front. Wazimu, Kichaa and Hifadhi, sleeping in a pile were completely surrounded.

"Wakey wakey, you've got visitors," Kovu said in a sugary sweet voice.
Kichaa was the first to wake up. She shot to her feet and upon seeing Kovu's emerald green eyes staring at her, she screamed and fell to the floor. Wazimu and Hifadhi woke up next and looked around slightly disorientated. Then Wazimu's  gaze fell on Kovu and his face turned ash white.

" Kovu?! wh..what are you d..d..doing here?" he stuttered.
"Surprised to see me Wazimu? Good, you have all rights to be. What. Did you think Scar, Zira and Kisasi could keep me captive forever? I broke free and spent three years plotting my revenge," Kovu said coldly.

"And one by one I eliminated those who had part in keeping me away from the love of my life. My mate suffered purgatory in my absence and when I came back and saw how badly she was hurt, I knew I had to make each and every single one of those bastards endure torment. You in particular since you kidnapped me when I was so close to home."

"I had no choice, Kisasi was going to kill me! My mate, everyone in my leap if I didn't carry out his orders!" Wazimu cried out.
"Well that's too bad. You don't  deserve to live Wazimu, you're pathetic. I killed Kusudi, Alec, Maumivu, his mate, his sisters and now it's your turn.," Kovu said with a cruel smirk.
"Okay how bout I make you a deal," Wazimu said as his heart raced and his breathing increased with each passing second.

"I'll tell you where Scar and Zira live, they left the outlands and are living somewhere in between here and Kukimbia. You know that desolated area in the mountains? They live there with their pride, well more like their two dozen lions and lionesses. Kisasi bled them dry." Wazimu was desperately stalling for time, he thought that if he gave Kovu some useful intel, he might spare his life. He was sadly mistaken. 

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